I use a script which kicks and ban the chatter if someone while staying in the channel ,changes his nick to some bad nick. LIke if somene change his nick while he is present in the channel he get kicked..
the script is..
#Badnick scans
set badnicks {
set arg.v "Change Badnick protection"
bind nick - * Detected_changebad
proc Detected_changebad {nick uhost hand chan newnick} {
global badnicks botnick
if {(![matchattr $hand b]) && ($nick != $botnick)} {
foreach badchange [string tolower $badnicks] {
if {[string match *$badchange* [string tolower $newnick]]} {
set banmask "*!*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"
putserv "MODE $chan +b $banmask"
putserv "KICK $chan $newnick :(Bad Nick)"
return 0
If anyone of you have time can he change this script for me so that i can load this scirpt in my mirc as an addon. Advanced thanks if someone can give some time to it..
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
oops Bad me for not reading his post properly. i just saw the word mirc and got annoyed instantly
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born