you didn't understand... i want *!*user@host.domain banmask... So i must to put "set ident blahblahblah" before ban, and then ban will be something like this newchanban $chan *!*$ident.[string tolower [string range $uhost [string first @ $uhost] end]] quitban $qb_reason $qb_bantime
You are wrong. Did you not try yoohoo's or gb's or avilons answers? Did you just feel like ignoring the people you asked for help??
You have been given 3 valid ways to change the banmask I suggest you try them. Where are you getting $ident from in your reply?
The lifecycle of a noob is complex. Fledgling noobs gestate inside biometric pods. Once a budding noob has matured thru gestation they climb out of their pod, sit down at a PC, ask a bunch of questions that are clearly in the FAQ, The Noob is born
I believe it is you who doesn't understand properly. Eggdrop naturally bans users based on thier complete uhosts, which includes both the targets IDENT as well as thier DOMAIN. What slennox coded into quitban.tcl altered this behavior so as to not include the victim's ident (which can be altered at will) when placing ban. By changing the newchanban line as directed in the previous posts, you will get the result you requested in your original request.