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Add/Remove IP in a file on Join/Quit

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Add/Remove IP in a file on Join/Quit

Post by rantanplan »

Hello,i'm looking for a small script that writes the IP adress of peoples nick to a text file when they join my channel.. And then when they part/quit, their IP adress is removed from the file..
Any help?
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Joined: Mon Sep 24, 2001 8:00 pm
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Post by greenbear »

To resolve the host you can use the dns module.

Here's an example..

Code: Select all

bind join - * jip
proc jip {n u h c} {
 set uh [lindex [split $u @] 1]
 set ip [dnslookup $uh resip]
 # ...

proc resip {i h s} {
 if {$i!=""} {
   return $i
  } {
   return $h
You'll find more info about reading/writing to a file here.

Good Luck!
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Post by demond »

you better maintain those hosts/IPs in a list, saving it periodically in a file