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Eggdrop abuse !

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Post by demond »

it's forbidden on all major networks - all of them saying ircops must not mess up with channels - but only EFnet and IRCnet don't have the means of selfoping (excluding illegaly patched servers), which of course is to be expected from the IRC (those two networks are considered to be the real IRC - or what's left of it)
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Post by Alchera »

Actually, come to think of it I don't think DALnet's services even have the ability of IRCOp's being able to op themselves. I've played around with bahamut a few times and it's a pretty lean IRCD that does the job perfectly. As for services, DALnet use their own and as far as I know cannot be got from anywhere.
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Post by demond »

Alchera wrote:Actually, come to think of it I don't think DALnet's services even have the ability of IRCOp's being able to op themselves. I've played around with bahamut a few times and it's a pretty lean IRCD that does the job perfectly. As for services, DALnet use their own and as far as I know cannot be got from anywhere.

however, DALnet services (and every other services for that matter) are tightly integrated with a particular ircd type - in that case, bahamut - and can be considered an ircd extension, whereas EFnet and IRCnet don't have services
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Post by awyeah »

Alchera wrote:Actually, come to think of it I don't think DALnet's services even have the ability of IRCOp's being able to op themselves. I've played around with bahamut a few times and it's a pretty lean IRCD that does the job perfectly. As for services, DALnet use their own and as far as I know cannot be got from anywhere.
I have similar source codes for DALnet old services, old as in 2-3 years old where you wont see MailBlock and such other new command line options for users.

I use anope IRC services on my network, not being very good in C, still I have managed alot for mine to resemble DALnet's IRC services.

And btw as for them being integrated with a particular IRCd, basically these IRC services, if you take a look can be virtually used with almost all ircds, unreal, bahamut, ptlink, etc. See their supported IRCd's if you don't beleive me. (ircservices, anope, auspice, oxide etc)

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Post by demond »

awyeah wrote: I have similar source codes for DALnet old services, old as in 2-3 years old where you wont see MailBlock and such other new command line options for users.
wow, you must be a a highly-privileged insider to have that, those sources have always been private
I use anope IRC services on my network, not being very good in C, still I have managed alot for mine to resemble DALnet's IRC s services.
you can't interpret some trivial C error messages (as per your recent post asking help with anope code), yet you managed to do non-trivial modificatios of non-trivial C application? that's funny
And btw as for them being integrated with a particular IRCd, basically these IRC services, if you take a look can be virtually used with almost all ircds, unreal, bahamut, ptlink, etc. See their supported IRCd's if you don't beleive me. (ircservices, anope, auspice, oxide etc)
I don't believe you (and I've been ircd and services developer long enough to know what I'm talking about)

try to use ircservices or anope, without modifications, with hybrid or ircu; what you refer to as "almost all" are DALnet-like ircds, and IRC is not DALnet and DALnet-like networks
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Post by Alchera »

In my playing around with bahamut, I never had luck in finding any services that would work 100% with it which was a pity so, I ended up with Ultimate & Anope (which I detested). I was setting it all up for a Malay network and they just loved the "toys" that Anope provided (including the flaws that allowed open Oper abuse). With my very limited knowledge of C (haven't played with that for years) some flaws were plugged (not all).

With my limited knowledge of the various IRC networks out there I consider that of those with services, DALnet has got it right.
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Post by awyeah »

Well it's not that difficult to tweak C, so just take some time to understand the source code properly, implement your logic correctly and it will work if it doesn't crash. :)
try to use ircservices or anope, without modifications, with hybrid or ircu; what you refer to as "almost all" are DALnet-like ircds, and IRC is not DALnet and DALnet-like networks
Basically what I mean't was ircd's whose source code is generally available for the public as in DALnet's case, yes bahamut is for public and also for other networks, but not for EFnet or IRCnet, if you understood. So if all public can use these source codes then services coders do include support in their services.

Besides every network has services. It is incorrect to say they don't. EFnet also has just not for users, only for staff and administration. Like how would you place akills? There has to be an oper management service similar to OperServ/RootServ, similar for IRCnet or whichever net you speak of.

Anyway, EFnet and IRCnet ircd's are not built for interaction with these types of services anyways so its quite understood to say they wouldn't support it. My idea here was a general case, ALL as in most of the free source codes of ircds available. :)

Besides DALnet's services are not 100% efficient. I have seen flaws over the past 8 years on them. The coders claim to be one of the most intelligent and knowledgable persons. Thats what reply I got, when I emailed one "Do you know even who I am! I am the head coder!".

My reply: "Excuse me? You are the head coder?"

Anyone who knows C, as a matter of fact, all computer science and IT's students, in college these days can read the source code and do it you don't need to be a rocket scientist, just have to devote time to it. If I an electrical engineer not even studying C, can tweak it, so others who have the knowledge about this can obviously be the best.

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Post by greenbear »

The source code for the various ircd's used on EFnet is publicly awailable.


And if you want chanfix, there's OpenChanfix.
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Post by demond »

awyeah wrote:Well it's not that difficult to tweak C, so just take some time to understand the source code properly, implement your logic correctly and it will work if it doesn't crash. :)
It's not difficult for a C programmer; what I was saying was that it's beyond me how you managed to tweak C application without actually knowing C... anyhow
Basically what I mean't was ircd's whose source code is generally available for the public as in DALnet's case, yes bahamut is for public and also for other networks, but not for EFnet or IRCnet, if you understood. So if all public can use these source codes then services coders do include support in their services.
it's the other way around - although bahamut is public (can't be private since it originates from hybrid), DALnet services are and have always been private - whereas all of EFnet's and IRCnet's server software (including stuff that you label as "oper services") is and have always been public
Besides every network has services. It is incorrect to say they don't. EFnet also has just not for users, only for staff and administration. Like how would you place akills? There has to be an oper management service similar to OperServ/RootServ, similar for IRCnet or whichever net you speak of.
we were talking about channel services; EFnet and IRCnet do not have channel services; EFnet has ChanFix, which is not a channel services in the sense of all other known channel services (it only restores ops on opless channels or reverses takeovers, using a fair score system - that's all there is to it - no registration, no taking channels forever)

and no, there's no need of any Oper/Root/Abuse or any other "Serv" serving powers-to-be; but there's no point of explaining my views on the subject to you, since your IRC experience is obviously limited to DALnet only
Anyway, EFnet and IRCnet ircd's are not built for interaction with these types of services anyways so its quite understood to say they wouldn't support it. My idea here was a general case, ALL as in most of the free source codes of ircds available. :)
again, it's the other way around - the services mentioned by you are not designed with hybrid and irc2.10 in mind, bacause the majority of their users (admins of smaller networks) prefer bahamut/Unreal and other similar ircds with tons of useless bells & whistles, half of them built-in abuse features serving powers-to-be, i.e. them
Besides DALnet's services are not 100% efficient. I have seen flaws over the past 8 years on them. The coders claim to be one of the most intelligent and knowledgable persons. Thats what reply I got, when I emailed one "Do you know even who I am! I am the head coder!"
there is no such thing as stable (channel) services, due to the centralized nature of that thing; the best there could be is properly designed & implemented (also well-hidden and protected from DDoS monkeys) SQL-driven nick & channel services, but we have yet to see someone to come up with that