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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by SA »

Got a problem with my bots IP binding.
My bot is running on my server wich enables another 3 computers to internet.

The bot binds itselfs to my internal network ip.
I know about the option to configure your outside ip but my real ip changes randomly, sometimes after a day, sometimes after a week. Can't do anything about it.

DCC chat and telnetting become useless when outside my network. Any sollutions?
eggdrop engineer
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Post by guppy »

On 2001-09-26 15:45, SA wrote:
Got a problem with my bots IP binding.
My bot is running on my server wich enables another 3 computers to internet.

The bot binds itselfs to my internal network ip.
I know about the option to configure your outside ip but my real ip changes randomly, sometimes after a day, sometimes after a week. Can't do anything about it.
Write a small tcl script to find our your ip when the bot starts and set my-ip accordingly ... should be pretty easy on *nix .. I think have a .exe laying around for windows that will give you your current ip.
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Post by stdragon »

Can you just comment out the set my-ip thing? Eggdrop binds to INADDR_ANY by default, so it should work on your internal network and from outside.

Post by lucy »

i've had a few shells where i have to set my-hostname "localhost"
set my-ip ""

sometimes i've gotten both of those to work when nothing else would, but i'm not sure thats the same problem you're having, but you could try them.

Post by SA »

Back from vacation and have looked into the problem.
"localhost" doesn't work. Bot won't connect to irc anymore then.
The other suggestion about a script sounds very nice but my knowledge about scripts is about 0 :sad:
Allready looked in the script database but nothing is listed there that could solve it....

Post by SniperAC »

You can always "telnet" into the bot..
if you are on a LAN.. just find the boxs ip..
in linux go to root then type "ifconfig"
it sys the "ip"

windows the dos command is "ipconfig"

Go into your "conf" file and find what port you have open..
Then do these steps..

1. C:/wundows: telnet <localhost> <3333>
Change the "<>" for what you need

or in linux
<SniperAC@observers> telnet <localhost> <3333>
Change the "<>" for what you need
2.Enter nick & password
ok all addys on a "IRC" server have a *!*@
<I think>

you can do alot of things with this
1. you can add
2. add

thos two are good for now tho
all commands in the "bot" telnet starts with "."

type ".+host <handle> <hostmask>"
Changeing "<>" to what you need

.+host Sniperac *!*
Rember to put "*!*" Thats telling it Any one on is you but wont give them you Password...

same with
now whin I had road runner that was alil harder but I got ""
so I used "" "" stays the same thro out the USA.. "triad" is where Road runner is located that changes..
".+host SniperAC *!*"

I Hope this helps ya if not Just call me a dumb Fuc* and ignore me #games #obs #tech.obs
comeing soon

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SniperAC on 2001-10-22 21:51 ]</font>

Post by SA »

Well.. i'm not having any difficult to get into DCC chat with him since my bot binds itselfs to <- internal network IP. So on LAN it works perfect. But other people can't get DCC chat or telnet to it since isn't really a ip to communicate with...

So i need something that will learn my bot that my internal network ip isn't the correct one to bind to....

With adding users with hostmasks and stuff í haven't got any probs btw.
Posts: 685
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Blackpool, UK

Post by Petersen »

as has been already said, the only way you're gonna achieve this is by scripting it. this would probably be best achived in tcl when loading the .conf - use an external program to grab the proper ip into a tcl var (ipconfig for windows, and there's plenty ones you could use for *nix), and assign it to $my-ip

Post by SniperAC »

You are gonna have a problem if the cpu thats running the bot is behind the out-side server/ the main "cpu" thats connected to the internet...
(but it should work if it is on that server)

you will have to find a program to open the port needed to "DCC"

in linux there are a cupple... just do a serch on for it i dont rember the name....

windows servers: ( I know nothing about )
try haven them connect to port "3333"
or the port you set

** It Doesnt give an error msg?" ** like use the command to start the bot
" eggdrop -n " ( -n will let you see whats hapening) ask them to connect to the bot see if it picks it up...
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SniperAC on 2001-10-24 01:41 ]</font>

Post by SA »

Tnx Petersen.. will look for such a thing.

And SniperAC:
The error message is quite simple;
When you're initiating a DCC chat you see:
ParoXysm (

And yes the bot is running on the server and not behind it.
Posts: 685
Joined: Thu Sep 27, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Blackpool, UK

Post by Petersen »

perhaps if you tell me what os the box is running, i may be able to throw a rough script for you to modify.

Post by SA »

Most people will go crazy when i tell em i run a windrop...
Linux server is scheduled to be set up somewhere next month, so until then i'm running a windrop on win98SE since the server is used by other people who only have basic computer knowledge.

Post by SniperAC »

I was told This msg board doent support "windrop"

as you would see in this msg ... &forum=1&3

AS I say
BAD WINDROP!! go lay down.... :mad:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SniperAC on 2001-10-24 19:23 ]</font>

Post by SA »

Then read my post and think!
I know that windrop is bad and i'm switching to real thing in a month but then i'll have same problem so plz come with some more appropriate posts or don't reply at all....

Post by SniperAC »

I think i read your post we arent goin crazy on ya we just don't support them

Most people will go crazy when i tell em i run a windrop...
Linux server is scheduled to be set up somewhere next month, so until then i'm running a windrop on win98SE since the server is used by other people who
only have basic computer knowledge.
if you woulda read the "link" I gave ya
it had a link from "Ppslim"


As stated before.

Goto and contact them there.

We don't help with windrop. Windrop is not eggdrop. WIndrop bad.

we can help with eggdrops but not windrops
some might know about them
some dont

whin ya switch I will help

or (a)n "Voice,OP,and/or Master"

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SniperAC on 2001-10-25 15:11 ]</font>