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Bot request script!

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Bot request script!

Post by Diablo »


if anybody know sicherheit @ qnet, then you know bots can be requested.

i am wondering if there is script when user msg bot with /msg <botnick> request #channel , then this <botnick> joins that channel and checks if there is enought user on it, if it is ok then some random bot join that chan.
does anybody know that script?

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Post by Sir_Fz »

And how does your bot communicate with the other rand bots ?
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Post by Dizzle »

Wel i have this script for you, a friend of mine made it for me a long time ago

Modify it like you want, now its checking for op's L/Q on chan (Q-net) and number of users on channel

Its not sending an random bot, the bind is like this !request <botname> #channel modify the script at your desires

have fun with it

Code: Select all

set tbotnick "botname"

bind pub -|- !request pub:request

proc pub:request {n u h c t} {
  global tbotnick
  global bot
  set bot [lindex [split $t " "] 0]
  set ::nickk $n
  set ipmask [lindex [split [maskhost $n![getchanhost $n $c]] "@"] 1]
  set userm [lindex [split [getchanhost $n $c] "@"] 0]
  set ::userhost *!*$userm@$ipmask
  set ::channel [lindex [split $t " "] 1]
  if {$bot != $tbotnick} { return 0 }
  if {$c != ""} { return 0 }
  if {$::channel == "#help" || $::channel == "#feds" || $::channel == "#0,0" || $::channel == "#quakenet" || $::channel == "#scripting" || $::channel == "#tcl" } { return 0 }
  if {$::channel == ""} {
        putserv "NOTICE $n :Wrong !request-format."
        putserv "NOTICE $n :To request use: 4!request botname #channel"
  } else {
          if {[string first "#" $::channel] == -1} {
          putserv "NOTICE $n :Wrong !request-format."
          putserv "NOTICE $n :To request use: 4!request botname #channel"
  } else {
    if {$::channel != ""} {
          set chan $::channel
          global check; global uhost
          channel add $::channel
          set uhost(chans) $u
          set check(chans) $n
          putserv "NOTICE $n :Request sent. Checking if the channel meets our Requirements, please wait..."
          utimer 15 check
     } else {
          putserv "NOTICE $n :Wrong !request-format."
          putserv "NOTICE $n :To request use: 4!request botname #channel"

proc check { } {
global bot
global check
global uhost
putlog "check chans is $check(chans) and channel is $::channel"
   if {![isop $check(chans) $::channel]} {
      putlog "Yea, its sayin ure not opped.. [censored]"
      putquick "privmsg $::channel : $::nickk is not opped on $::channel!" -next
      utimer 5 remove_chan
   } else {
     set userz 0
     set limit 0
     set service 0
     foreach nickname [chanlist $::channel] {
        if { $nickname == "Q" || $nickname == "L" } { set service 1 }
           if { $userz < 20 } {
              incr userz
           } else { set limit 1 }
     if { $limit > 0 && $service > 0 } {
         putquick "privmsg $::channel :User $::nickk Youre channel met the requirements, The bot will join in a second. Thank you for using out services"
     } else {
      if { $limit < 1 || $service < 1 } {
        set rando 1
        putlog "Channel $::channel removed for none complience"
        putquick "privmsg $::channel :Bot will not stay reason \( 20 users \[ $limit \]\) or \( L or Q \[ $service \]\)" -next
        utimer 5 remove_chan
 proc remove_chan { } {
 channel remove $::channel

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Joined: Mon May 02, 2005 6:24 am

Post by Diablo »

Sir_Fz wrote:And how does your bot communicate with the other rand bots ?
they are linked..
Posts: 771
Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:46 am

Post by metroid »

I've seen this script before and it's crappy as hell.
If someone were to request a bot to #FEDS or #HELP in caps, the bot would still join.

I wrote a small request script awhile back for someone that wanted it, i'll go see if i can find it
Posts: 771
Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:46 am

Post by metroid »

Here is the script i was talking about, I have NO idea if it even works but try it out.

Code: Select all

# Configuration

# homechannel where they can request
set setting(home) "#v1per"
# users the channel needs atleast
set setting(needed) "20"
# deny request if there is no Q or L?
set setting(service) "1"
# the flags he wants
set setting(flags) "+ao"

# end of config

# don't touch this setting!
set setting(busy) 0

bind pub -|- !request    request:pub

proc request:pub {nick host hand chan arg} {
  global setting
  # ignore the request because it isn't the request channel
  if {![string equal $chan $setting(home)]} {
   return 0
  if {$setting(busy)} {
   putquick "NOTICE $nick :There is currently already an request in progress."
   return 0
  set channel [lindex [split $arg] 0]
  # tell him he needs to input a channel first
  if {$channel == ""} {
   putquick "NOTICE $nick :Please state the channel you wish to request for."
   return 0
  if {[validchan $channel]} {
   return 0;
  # activate the busy signal so no other requests can be done
  bind RAW -|- 315         request:endofwho
  set setting(busy) 1
  set setting(chan) "$channel"
  set setting(nick) "$nick"
  channel add $channel
proc request:endofwho {from key arg} {
   global setting
   if {$setting(busy)} {
    if {![onchan $setting(nick) $setting(chan)] || ![isop $setting(nick) $setting(chan)]} {
     set setting(busy) 0
     putquick "NOTICE $setting(nick) :You aren't on $setting(chan) or you're not opped. Request denied."
     channel remove $setting(chan)
     unbind RAW -|- 315         request:endofwho
     return 0
   if {$setting(service)} {
    if {![onchan L $setting(chan)] && ![onchan Q $setting(chan)]} {
     set setting(busy) 0
     putquick "NOTICE $setting(nick) :Q or L was not found on $setting(chan). Request denied."
     channel remove $setting(chan)
     unbind RAW -|- 315         request:endofwho
     return 0
   if {[llength [chanlist $setting(chan)]] < $setting(needed)} {
     set setting(busy) 0
     putquick "NOTICE $setting(nick) :$setting(chan) has less than $setting(needed) users. Request denied."
     channel remove $setting(chan)
     unbind RAW -|- 315         request:endofwho
     return 0
 if {![validuser [nick2hand $setting(nick)]]} {
  adduser $setting(nick) *!*@[lindex [split [getchanhost $setting(nick) $setting(chan)] @] 1]
  chattr [nick2hand $setting(nick)] |+n $setting(chan)
  putquick "NOTICE $setting(nick) :The request was succesfull. I will stay here. Please give me $setting(flags) on [request:service $setting(chan)]"
  putquick "PRIVMSG $setting(home) :$setting(nick) requested me for $setting(chan). The channel has [llength [chanlist $setting(chan)]] users. And they have the service bot: [request:service $setting(chan)]. Request was accepted."
  unset setting(chan); unset setting(nick)
  set setting(busy) 0
  unbind RAW -|- 315         request:endofwho
  return 1

proc request:service {channel} {
  if {[onchan L $channel]} {
    return "L"
  } elseif {[onchan Q $channel]} {
    return "Q"
If you need help with it, my nickname on Quakenet is metroid and you can find me in #v1per or #development