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Text flood kick

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Text flood kick

Post by Pepper-Tech »

I've been trying to set up our eggdrop to kick at 4:2 for text floods but it's not kicking in properly. What is the chanset command used to make it stick?

.chanset #channel flood-kick 4:2

Is what I've used. Is there another +flag that I need to have enabled/disabled?
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Post by mopar »

You have set how many kicks that are concidered a flood.

From what I read you want a text flood limit, as if a user pastes alot of lines and such.
You then need to set .chanset <channel> flood-chan 10:8
I think you should start with 10:8 it is a rather sane limit.

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Post by Pepper-Tech »

Just tried that, still not kicking on floods and I'm testing with a java connection so I'm not oper'ed when I flood. I also notice I can't .kick in the same channel I'm having problems in. I copied the flags/settings as our main channel and it's not kicking in. Do I need to .restart the bot?
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Post by YooHoo »

that is an insane kick-flood setting, IMHO. 4 kicks in 2 seconds - really now, what the heck do you expect that to accomplish? Give slennox's sentinel.tcl a whirl, you just might like it.
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Post by Pepper-Tech »

I'm still trying to find the right wording on this... example

*Bot kick*

That's what I'm meaning. In anope services it's:

/mode #channel +f 4:2

The bot handles floods in our main #lobby but not in it's new channel.
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Post by Alchera »

80 lines in 30 seconds (80:30) works well to stop most (genuine) text floods without punishing a regular user. Four lines in two seconds (4:2) is, as YooHoo stated, insane! You could try 10:30 instead.

slennox's sentinel.tcl would do the job perfectly BUT you will have to disable that Anope setting for it to work properly.
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Post by Pepper-Tech »

I know that, but the point behind all this is it's NOT working. What flags are needed to make the eggdrop kick instead of services?
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Post by greenbear »

note that the bo will allow +f users to flood all they want
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Post by Pepper-Tech »

I know .chattr +f allows those to be able to flood but I'm meaning regular members. Here's my channel set up

Settings for static channel #Teen-Support:
Protect modes (chanmode): +Crn
Idle Kick after (idle-kick): DON'T!
stopnethack: DON'T!
aop-delay: 0:0
revenge-mode: 0
ban-time: 30
exempt-time: 60
invite-time: 60
Other modes:
-inactive -statuslog -secret -shared
-greet -seen +cycle +dontkickops
-protectops -protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
-bitch -autoop -autovoice +nodesynch
+enforcebans -dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop
-dynamicexempts -userexempts -dynamicinvites -userinvites
flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
number: 4 0 5 0 0 5
time : 2 1 60 1 1 60

For now I'm using /mode #Teen-Support +f 4:2 to control floods and I'd rather it come from the bot. I had a regular member who wasn't part of the bot system nor a channel sop/aop/hop/vop, just a regular old member test the floods and it did not kick. With the services +f 4:2 he was kicked but without, the eggdrop did not kick.
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Post by YooHoo »

Pepper-Tech wrote:I'm still trying to find the right wording on this... example

*Bot kick*

That's what I'm meaning..
In your original post, you mention using '.chanset #channel flood-kick 4:2'... what you describe above is .chanset flood-chan, which controls public chatter and such. There is a difference, flood-kick has nothing to do with text flood. 4 lines of text : 2 seconds <--- this is not practical at all. IRC servers all experience some form of lag as thier server loads increase, sometimes overloading as in netsplit. Increase the seconds number to a more sensible number, be it 4:30 or 4:20.
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Post by Alchera »

Following are settings I have used for over 2 years without fail:
channel add #Ballarat {
chanmode "+tn-kp"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
revenge-mode 0
aop-delay 5:30
need-op { }
need-invite { }
need-key { }
need-unban { }
need-limit { }
flood-chan 15:60
flood-deop 3:10
flood-kick 3:10
flood-join 0:0
flood-ctcp 5:20
flood-nick 0:0

channel set #Ballarat -enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans -dynamicexempts
channel set #Ballarat +userexempts -dynamicinvites +userinvites +protectops
channel set #Ballarat +protectfriends -statuslog -revenge -protecthalfops
channel set #Ballarat -revengebot +dontkickops +autovoice -autoop -autohalfop
channel set #Ballarat -bitch -secret -shared -greet +cycle
channel set #Ballarat -inactive -seen +nodesynch
I have never used any of the ChanServ /mode settings. I have always used sentinel.tcl (originally standalone and now as part of netbots). I load no other channel protection scripts. I have no problems with the bot reacting (rapidly) to any attempted floods.

Hope this helps. :)
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Post by Pepper-Tech »

In my original post I didn't know which one I was looking for, I was trying to show by my example given what it was. I've got flood-chan at 4:2 and nothing happens. I use 4:2 for text floods cause we've had n00bs come in with


And it gets really annoying. I run a teen support chat so young teens 13-15 love the asl floods or pasting multiple lines.

I just tried duplicating the various +/- flags and it still doesn't kick in. Do I need to .rehash or even .restart for the changes to hold? I'm not the main one who runs the eggdrop, my partner does and he's tied up with school and even he's stumped on why the eggdrop doesn't work.
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Post by greenbear »

if the channel is static, and you edit the settings in your config file, then you have to restart.
if its a dynamic chan, just changing the setting with ".chanset #chan flood-chan xx:xx" is enough.

have you ever considered a script that target repeat floods specificly ?
maybe something like this one.

or for more serious floods, i suggest you take a look at the sentinel script.
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Post by Alchera »

Any changes to existing channel settings require .chanset <channel> <settings>.

They then should take effect immediately.

I suggest loading repeat.tcl v1.1 by slennox and see how effective that is seeing you seem to be dealing with repeats and not actual channel floods.


Dang! Pipped at the post. :lol:
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Post by Pepper-Tech »


With the channel settings duplicating our main #Lobby the bot SHOULD kick for 4 lines in 2 seconds. EXACT same settings, should work. But it doesn't. By the sounds of it I need to restart the bot instead of rehash. I copied the same settings in the config (static bot) and it doesn't kick in with a rehash so it looks like I get to restart.