For the life of me, I cant remember... but I know there is somehting I can throw into the config that will take that ever annoying +x mode off the bot when connect to the server.
Some of us who have semi funny vhosts, get irritated with that. Well... at least I do.
Would you please help me remember how I would go about taking that mode off of the bot on connect to the server?
Lux et umbra vicissim, sed semper amor.
Could you please be a little more specific for us newbies? I tried changing the "putquick MODE +i-ws" to "putquick MODE +i-wsx" but I get no change after connecting to the server. Is that even close to what I'm suppose to change???
I suggest you look again at your configuration, especially the following:
# This module provides the core server support. You have to load this
# if you want your bot to come on IRC. Not loading this is equivalent
# to the old NO_IRC define.
loadmodule server
# What is your network?
# 0 = EFnet
# 1 = IRCnet
# 2 = Undernet
# 3 = DALnet
# 4 = +e/+I/max-modes 20 Hybrid
# 5 = Others
set net-type 0
I have a bot on an annoying network that uses that stupid +/-x and what I posted works 100%. Remember also to .rehash your bot after making any changes.
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The only setting that worked for my eggdrop on the network I use was the the #5 set net-type 5. Also have putquick MODE +i-wsx set and it's not removing the x host mask... any other ideas?