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set the local port range used by eggdrop

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set the local port range used by eggdrop

Post by Freeze »

Hello, I hope You can help me :)

The problem is the following:
I've a Windrop version 1.6.17 (handlen32), which listenes on and uses the local ports 1080, 1081, 1082 and 1083 (only with 1083 it's connected to the remote port 6667). But I've another program, which wants to use these local ports too and so there's a conflict between these two programs.
Annoyingly there is no possibility to change the local port range of the other program, so it's necessary to change the range of the eggdrop.
But how can this be changed ? I haven't found any variable in the config file with this effect.

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Post by greenbear »

enable/change this setting in your config
#set reserved-portrange 2010:2020
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Post by Freeze »

# If you want all dcc file transfers to use a particular portrange either
# because you're behind a firewall, or for other security reasons, set it
# here.
#set reserved-portrange 2010:2020
This is only for dcc file transfers :(
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Post by NoZparker »

Is this what you are looking for in the windrop bot.conf file

# This opens a telnet port by which you and other bots can interact with the
# Eggdrop by telneting in.
# There are more options for the listen command in doc/tcl-commands.doc. Note
# that if you are running more than one bot on the same machine, you will want
# to space the telnet ports at LEAST 5 apart, although 10 is even better.
# Valid ports are typically anything between 1025 and 65535 assuming the
# port is not already in use.
# If you would like the bot to listen for users and bots in separate ports,
# use the following format:
# listen 3333 bots
# listen 4444 users
It's times like this I wished I had listened to What my dad used to say. Can't say what it was I never listened.
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Post by Freeze »

Look here (screenshot of my Sygate firewall):


The eggdrop listenes not only to the telnet port 3333, but to other ports, which I can't set.
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Post by Alchera »

The Windrop I run uses only 3 ports (and all without 3rd party firewalls), 1 TCP and 2 UDP ports (as expected). Initially there's 4 (port 113) on starting but that is closed after connection to a Network. The fact you seem to have an extra TCP and UDP port is interesting. Have you tried starting the Windrop without any scripts loaded? It's possible a script you're loading is your problem.
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Post by Freeze »

Hm, the modules "DNS" and "uptime" seem to listen on an extra port.
Now it uses only 3 ports, but the other application still doesn't function :(
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Post by Alchera »

The DNS module is required for obvious reasons but you can really live without that uptime one. It only posts your bots uptime details to a website and is apparently flawed anyway.

There's not a great deal that can be done as Windows assigns the ports. Have you checked for conflicts elsewhere? Maybe a Google on the problem could reveal a solution elsewhere because, quite frankly, you've seemed to have discovered a rather unique problem. I have never heard of that kind of drama with Windrops and any other running processes.

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Post by Freeze »

I've found nothing at google either :(
So there might be no solution for my problem at all, very annoying.
Nevertheless, thanks for your help :)

best regards