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Question about date

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Question about date

Post by -W0kk3L- »

A small question about the date... with "set date [strftime %Y-%m-%d]" in get the current date like 2005-06-03, but how do i get yesterdays date? Can i still use strftime or do i need to use 'clock', and if so, how?

Thnx for the help in advance ;)
Posts: 24
Joined: Sun Feb 23, 2003 7:23 pm

Post by -W0kk3L- »

Never mind, found it! :)

[clock format [clock scan "yesterday"] -format %Y-%m-%d]

A new command for me ;b
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Post by ^DooM^ »

-W0kk3L- wrote:Never mind, found it! :)

[clock format [clock scan "yesterday"] -format %Y-%m-%d]

A new command for me ;b
Nice one for actually getting out there and searching for the answer. I salute you good sir. Pity more people out there dont follow your example :wink:
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Post by Alchera »

Hear hear :)
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Post by -W0kk3L- »

Hehhee :D 8)