Eggbot 1.4.5 is on a IRC server but is not running behind a firewall. I can telnet to it ok, /msg <bot> commands ok and even /msg <bot> op myself ok.
The problem is I cannot /dcc chat <bot>
Waiting for acknowledgement...
When I /ctcp <bot> chat I get
DCC Chat session
Client: <bot> (
Acknowledging chat request...
Unable to connect!
DCC session closed
I am using dialup, on a Windows98 box behind a NAT Router and noticed the set nat-ip in the config file.
My IP behind the NAT Router is
and the Router is
I cannot DCC chat to another person using my mIRC client either but I did try Pirch, and did DCC chat with another person ok using that but could not DCC chat with the <bot>.
Question: do I put in the config file
set nat-ip "" or is my NAT Router not set up correctly to allow incoming DCC connections from the bot.
Firstly, the bot doesnt know its own ip properly. nat-ip should be set to the ip of the outside connection (ie, the ip that your isp has assigned you for the connection). As you're on dialup this will probably change every time you connect. The value of nat-ip is what the bot sends to other people as its ip for them to connect back to).
Secondly, you're going to have to port forward a range of ports from the router to the box with the egg on it, so the incomming connections actually get to it. You can restrict the range that eggdrop tries to use with reserved-portrange, and just forward these ports to it (and forward any telnet ports its listening to).
As for actually chatting the bot itself, you'd need to send it your lan ip if you're behind the router, not your real ip. This will probably require a reconfiguration of your irc client to send the correct ip for that connection.