fortune cookies?
What I know is that they are full of it... sure, google was a good thing, but until 1998m just a crappy engine like others out there. the geek community liked it.... booom!
it's a marketing sale... you get more "economic" results than real results...
it monitors you by cookies...
the bosses have weird political afinities (they even cooperated with china in censorship)...
sure, google has good things... but I am talking about the owners... and that is up to no good.
" Yet, if you're born a billionare it does not make you a moron" - not always ... but... Paris Hilton is what anyway?
"ou see if you're the kind who's able to become a billionare then you must be rich in the spirit "
exactly the opposite... Must be bright in mind. But usually, if all they want is money and power, they certainly are quit poor in spirit. Just a brilliant mind lost (attention, brilliant in money making, because a scientist or doctor are as brilliant and earn much less). american dream = money for many. the truth is nothing of that really brings happiness or fullfilment. Just see so many billionaires in the US. They have it all, yet look at them. I even pity some. And remember: Christ, Budha, Gandhi, Madre Teresa - none had fortune. No to mention so many writers and thinkers... wonder why?
"A camel will pass a needle hole easier than a richman entering heaven"
(not by a fortune cookie)
And by that order of tough, G. Bush would be a hero! A great wisdom from heaven. lol A really sucess, a real mentor! Great insight and spirituality!
By the way, what is an eggdrop?
ps: there is always an explanation for sucess... and many thing sucessfull nowadays (music for example) are the exact opposite of quality or deserved sucess. And... you can only judge rightly if you understand!