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Botnet and backup hub issue... {SOLVED}

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Botnet and backup hub issue... {SOLVED}

Post by ghostlywalker »

Ok so we have this 3 bot botnet up and running for our irc channel. What we've done is created 1 hub and 2 leaves. Everything is running fine but after an outage on the computer running hte hub we decided to add another hub on a different network/pc.

So now there are 4 bots. 2 hubs, 1 main, 1 backup and 2 leaves. The problem comes into play, which is that, if the main hub goes down and the two leaves connect to the backup hub then they aren't using the same user/channel files. If on the backup hub only 5 users are listed whereas on the main hub all the users to date are available.

What I want to know.. how do we get the two hubs to communicate to eachother their user/channel files?? Right now they are both limbo hubs, ie. neither are on a channel/network although for testing I do have the backup bot, atm, on the irc network the bots are on.

Also, I've been searching and have yet to come up with an answer, although the occasion hasn't risen until the first issue is solved, but how do we get the two leaves to connect to the _main_ hub once it is backup? And disconnect the bots from the backup hub? We just want the backup hub in use when the main is down but we want the backup hub's user/channel files up-to-date. If this can't be done that's fine. As long as the *real* user/channel files are in circulation with the botnet, things will be fine. Thanx in advance for any help as reading this alone is worth a thanx. ;)
Last edited by ghostlywalker on Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by greenbear »

instead of 2 hubs, just set one of the leafs as alternate hub (botflag +a).
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Post by ghostlywalker »

Thanks for the response. So in turn setting a leaf as a backup hub with the +a botflag will do what I'm looking for? This would, preserve the user/channel files, and allow the bots to link back to the hub when it comes back up?

My only concern is the leaves being setup with the "set private-user" option in the eggdrop config under the Share module. Should this option be set to 0 on the backup hub? It's set 0 on all bots and 1 on the hub.
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Post by demond »

eggdrop will always try to connect to a +h hub bot, even if already connected to +a backup hub - that means as soon as the main hub appears back online, leaf bots will automatically disconnect from their +a backup and connect back to the +h main hub

all hubs should be +h for one another, regardless of which one is +h and which one is +a for the leafs

enable userfile sharing on all bots by using +s and +p flags appropriately (all hubs should be +p in the leafs, and all leafs should be +s in the hubs)
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Post by ghostlywalker »

So I need to set the backup hub as .botattr +ah from the hub? I'm slightly confused sorry.
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Post by greenbear »

on all your leafs, do .botattr <althub> +a
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Post by ghostlywalker »

Gotcha. Ok so I did that to all the leaves. Afterwards I unlinked them all and had them link back to the main hub. And on each bot I checked to make sure it showed that the alt-hub had a "a" under bot flags with a .botattr <hub>. And it shows that bot flags for <hub> are now +a. But they don't try and connect. What could be wrong? The alt-hub has been setup as per the same directions the other bots(leaves) have been. All I've done now is set the bot flag +a for the alt-hub like you suggested.

When setting up the alt-hub should I have set it up like the hub instead? Using this doc I've setup the alt-hub using steps 6-13 and then on each leaf done a .botattr +a alt-hub. Should I have done 1-5 and then did a +a on each leaf?

Also does the alt-hub need an address like the hub does? In step 7 of that url I linked, it shows when adding the hub it added it's host:ip along with it. I have not done this step for the alt+hub, is it needed? I suppose that in order to connect it would be but have yet to figure out how to append an address to a bot already in the file.
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Post by ghostlywalker »

Hi, figured out what I was doing wrong. I ended up removing the user from all bots.. starting with the main hub first. Readded and .botattr +a from the leaves. Now they try and connect but I keep getting bad password on the connections. Did some googling and in other situations people have suggested changing the password for the bot on both the bot and the hub. I've done this and passwords do in fact match but still receive the same error.

Fixed this other issue with a stop in #egghelp @ and thanx to rudenstam. Thanx dude. And thanx greenbear and also demond for the help before. Without those nudges I wouldn't have made it up to the point of fixing this last issue.
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Post by YooHoo »

ghostlywalker wrote:Now they try and connect but I keep getting bad password on the connections. Did some googling and in other situations people have suggested changing the password for the bot on both the bot and the hub. I've done this and passwords do in fact match but still receive the same error.
Eggdrops will negotiate thier own random passwords when they link, supposing all correct info (port, IP, vhost) is set in the userfile, assuming of course that both bots have no set password. :wink:
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Post by ghostlywalker »

Hehe. Yeah I learned that the hard way. In fact I learned alot today the hard way and I'm glad I did. If it had been easier it might be easily forgotten in the future. But I'll tell ya this; everything I learned today will not be forgotten so easily. =) Been a long day.