I searched in google and in the script-archive but i was not able to finde something which works in the way i need.
I'm looking for a script, that eggdrop uses the qauths for user-management.
If a user joins a channel he checks the permissions of this user (based on qauth and not on hostmask) and give him e.g. op-status or voice. It should also be possible for a user to invite himself to a channel and bot checks access following qauth of the user.
Short summary of features:
*) Bot authenticates automatically the user when he joins channel base on the qauth
*) User is able to invite himself to a channel (where he has permission through the bot) without any additional authentication (bot should check qauth).
whould be great if this channel-management is possible through a webinterface (php?) but this is more a dream
so my whish is, that Bot doesn't use hostmasks (is not working for my needs) but qauth instead.
bot should work in several public channels and make invitation to several privat channels based on qauths. he should also secure the privat channels (if someone joins and he's not in list for this channel, user should be kicked and banned).