I saw this problem comming, but was hoping I had a basic understanding enough to solve it myself... I was wrong...
The problem with the script, is that if I have more than one bot, a few perhaps, and all the bots is in 15-20 channels, then the server disconnects me for excess flood if i send a rather large broadcast message (well *doorh* right? I know...).
I was hoping to solve the problem, by adding som sort of delay. A delay that makes the script pause a few seconds before posting in each channel?!
I'm posting the raw code, as I got it, without my modifications and unsuccessfull tries to make it pause. And I'm hoping it can be solved rather simple, and someone will show me how
Code: Select all
bind bot - announce botannounce
bind msg m announce gotannounce
proc announce {text} {
foreach chan [channels] {
if {[botonchan $chan]} {
puthelp "privmsg $chan :$text"
proc botannounce {from cmd text} {
announce $text
proc gotannounce {nick uhost hand text} {
putallbots "announce $text"
announce $text