pretty weird, i never had this problem although i'm connected to the same IRC servers as before..
[12:38:34] [-psyBNC] Server #1: just.anotherirc.server port 6667
[12:38:35] [-psyBNC] End of Servers.
[12:38:37] [-psyBNC] Server #1: S=ssl.supportedirc.server port 7000
[12:38:37] [-psyBNC] Server #2: S=anotherssl.supportedirc.server port 7000
[12:38:37] [-psyBNC] End of Servers.
[12:38:39] [-psyBNC] Server #1: port 6667
[12:38:39] [-psyBNC] End of Servers.
as you see all servers and networks are nicely added, still i keep getting this message Mon Jul 4 12:37:59 :User XXX () has no server added.. i'm using psyBNC2.3.2-4.. all help much appreciated.. i never had this problem though