For some odd reason, my bot has begun doing this:
*** Natsuki-Chan sets mode: +eipm GravityCatt!*@*
*** Natsuki-Chan sets mode: +e AMetroid!*@*
*** Natsuki-Chan sets mode: +e nahtanoj14!*@*
[10:00] <Natsuki-Chan> [09:00] #catgirls: mode change '+eipm GravityCatt!*@*' by Natsuki-Chan!
[10:00] <Natsuki-Chan> [09:00] #catgirls: mode change '+e AMetroid!*@*' by Natsuki-Chan!
[10:00] <Natsuki-Chan> [09:00] #catgirls: mode change '+e nahtanoj14!*@*' by Natsuki-Chan!
Its doing it in one of my channels, where the last two users, AMetroid and nahtanoj14 arent actually in the channel list. They are, however, in another channel which i just added that night.
Both channel are -userexempts and -dynamicexempts.
Interestingly enough, it was happening every hour or so, on the hour. I have a script which basically checks for people who should be autovoiced and i think they were triggering it. Somehow... even though it only have the +v mode. Very odd...
Got any idea why this should happen and how i can stop it? As +imp are modes i REALLY do not want.