In DCC chat with my bot I get this error....
MBot > shoutcast: checking if stream is online
MBot > Tcl error [isonline]: can't read "streamstatus": no such variable
.status all
MBot > I am Bot, running eggdrop v1.6.17: 6 users (mem: 128k).
MBot > Online for 00:10 (terminal mode) - CPU: 00:01 - Cache hit: 23.0%
MBot > Admin: MiXiS <email:>
MBot > Config file: eggdrop.conf
MBot > OS: CYGWIN_NT-5.1 1.5.18(0.132/4/2)
MBot > Tcl library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4
MBot > Tcl version: 8.4.11 (header version 8.4.11)
MBot > *** shoutcast.tcl v1.03 by domsen
MBot > Botnet nickname: MBot
Is there anything I need to do or undo??