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problems with sentinel.tcl

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problems with sentinel.tcl

Post by CrazyEgg »

well today i make update to one of the bots with
netbots.tcl v4.10
and sentinel.tcl component script

i find out minnor errors like:

missing proc and giving error: invalid command name "nb_killutimer"

this is the proc what missing:

Code: Select all

proc nb_killutimer {cmd} {
  set n 0
  regsub -all -- {\[} $cmd {\[} cmd ; regsub -all -- {\]} $cmd {\]} cmd
  foreach tmr [utimers] {
    if {[string match $cmd [join [lindex $tmr 1]]]} {
      killutimer [lindex $tmr 2]
      incr n
  return $n
next error was :
Tcl error [sl_pfloodk]: can't read "sl_flooded(#......)": no such variable
Tcl error [sl_jflood]: can't read "sl_locked(#......)": no such variable

I found this mistake:

Code: Select all

nb_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan*"
the correct code i thing that is :

Code: Select all

nb_killutimer "sl_unlock $chan *"
cause Slennox is bussy as i read to the forum can someone tell me if that what i made was correct?
If are correct then is mutch better to upload netbots4.10 corrected.
Thanks a lot
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Post by Alchera »

From netbots.tcl:

Code: Select all

proc nb_killutimer {cmd} {
....... etc
From sentinel.tcl:

Code: Select all

set sl_flooded($chan) ... etc
I'd suggest downloading netbots archive again and start from scratch.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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