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Mel logger error

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Mel logger error

Post by Thunderdome »

Code: Select all

 Initializing mEL 2.0....
 mEL 2.0 - Running startup tests...
 mEL 2.0 - Tcl version 8.4 detected... OK.
 mEL 2.0 - Eggdrop version 1.6.17 detected... OK.
 mEL 2.0 - scripts/mel exists and is a directory... OK.
 mEL 2.0 - scripts/logs exists and is a directory... OK.
 mEL 2.0 - Gabber is a valid user on this bot... OK.
 Tcl error in file 'VectorSigma.conf':
 expected integer but got "08" (looks like invalid octal number)
    while executing
"expr [lindex $t 3] -1"
    (procedure "::mel::checkstamptimer" line 27)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
"if {[::mel::starttests]} {
        putlog $::mel::starterror
        die "Fatal error - Can not continue"
} else {
        ::mel::logfile datestamp all
    (file "scripts/mel2.tcl" line 1104)
    invoked from within
"source scripts/mel2.tcl"
    (file "VectorSigma.conf" line 130)
It started doing this... no file seems to be corrupted, and I've even overwritten with old files (even the logs). Yet, it keeps doing this... what is it?
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Re: Mel logger error

Post by greenbear »


Code: Select all

expected integer but got "08" (looks like invalid octal number)[/quote]
There's the error, just track it down and convert that octal number using 'scan'.
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Post by Thunderdome »

easy to say, but I don't really have any ideia of what you mean... :|
What shall I do exactly?
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Post by greenbear »

I dont know that tcl, but judging from the error msg, this is most likely what you have to do:

Find this line (line 27 in the ::mel::checkstamptimer procedure)

Code: Select all

expr [lindex $t 3] -1
and add

Code: Select all

scan $t %d t
on the line right above it.
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Post by Thunderdome »

the script has that written all over... I don't get it... :(

Code: Select all

#### mIRCStats Eggdrop Logger 2.0
#### (c)1999-2004 Jules <>
#### Multiple Channel Support by SirSir <>
#### Unix/Linux Support by T_D <> #cracks2000@EFNet
#### This tcl creates mIRC-style channel logfiles for use with the popular
#### mIRCStats <> program.
#### This script is written for Tcl 8.1 or higher and Eggdrop 1.6.0 or higher.
#### Running this script on any lower version of Tcl or Eggdrop will cause your
#### eggdrop to die.
#### For version history see history.txt

#### Change your settings below ####

#### Check readme.txt for explanation of these settings

namespace eval mel {
	# Location of logfiles
	variable statslogdir scripts/logs
	# Location of configuration files
	variable statsdir scripts/mel
	# Static logkeeper
	variable staticlogkeeper Gabber
	# Add datestamp in the log itself at regular intervals (0=never 1=daily 2=weekly 3=monthly)
	variable stamplogs 1
	# Adds datestamp in logfile name
	variable dodatestamp 0
	# Use year (yyyy) instead of date in filename (in case of adding a datestamp)
	variable doyearstamp 1
	# Strips '#' from logfile name
	variable unixnames 1
	# Enable/disable host blocking
	variable bhosts 0
	# Day of week (1 is monday) <- for weekly rotation
	variable weekly 1
	# Notify static logkeeper on logfile rotation?
	variable notify 1
	# Ignore nicknames
	variable ignorenicks {

# # # # # # # # # # # # DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE # # # # # # # # # # #

bind dcc * mel ::mel::dcc
bind pubm - * ::mel::chatter
bind join - * ::mel::enter
bind sign - * ::mel::signoff
bind topc - * ::mel::ctopic
bind kick - * ::mel::kicked
bind nick - * ::mel::nickchange
bind mode - * ::mel::cmode
bind part - * ::mel::parting
bind ctcp - "ACTION" ::mel::action

namespace eval mel {
	variable settings settings.mel
	variable enabled 0
	variable version "mEL 2.0"
	variable channels
	variable macmode 1
	variable rotate week
	variable keepers
	variable deadchanfile deadchans.mel
	variable nextswitch
	variable weekdays
	variable skipmac 0
	array set weekdays {
		1	monday
		2	tuesday
		3	wednesday
		4	thursday
		5	friday
		6	saturday
		7	sunday
	variable actives [list statslogdir statsdir settings staticlogkeeper stamplogs dodatestamp doyearstamp skipmac macmode rotate weekdays weekly nextswitch unixnames enabled version channels keepers deadchanfile bhosts notify ignorenicks]
	proc starttests {} {
		variable actives
		variable starterror
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {$::tcl_version >= "8.1"} {
			putlog "$version - Tcl version $::tcl_version detected... OK."
		} else {
			variable starterror "Tcl version $::tcl_version detected... FAILED! I need at least Tcl 8.1 to function properly."
			return 1
		if {[string range $::numversion 0 2] >= 106} {
			putlog "$version - Eggdrop version [lindex $::version 0] detected... OK."
		} else {
			variable starterror "Eggdrop version [lindex $::version 0] detected... FAILED! I need at least Eggdrop 1.6.0 to function properly."
			return 1
		if {![file exists $statsdir] || ![file isdirectory $statsdir]} {
			variable starterror "Directory $statsdir is not found!"
			return 1
		} else {
			putlog "$version - $statsdir exists and is a directory... OK."
		if {![file exists $statslogdir] || ![file isdirectory $statslogdir]} {
			variable starterror "Directory $statslogdir is not found!"
			return 1
		} else {
			putlog "$version - $statslogdir exists and is a directory... OK."
		if {[validuser $staticlogkeeper]} {
			variable starterror "$staticlogkeeper is not a user on this bot (handle not found)"
			return 1
		if {[lsearch [string tolower [userlist b]] [string tolower $staticlogkeeper]] != -1} {
			variable starterror "$staticlogkeeper is registered as a bot!"
			return 1
		putlog "$version - $staticlogkeeper is a valid user on this bot... OK."
		return 0
	proc dcc {handle idx args} {
		set args [split [lindex $args 0]]
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {![item find keep $handle]} {
			putlog "#$handle# mel $args"
			putidx $idx "$version - You are not allowed to perform maintenance."
			putidx $idx "$version - Contact $staticlogkeeper for more information."
			return 0
		switch -- [lindex [split $args] 0] {
			on {
				putlog "#$handle# mel on"
				if {![array exists channels]} {
					putidx $idx "$version - You should add channels before turning mEL on!"
					return 0
				if {$enabled == 1} {
					putidx $idx "$version - mEL already is on. Try \'.mel status\' for a status overview"
					return 0
				variable enabled 1
				putidx $idx "$version - mEL is now turned on!"
				return 0
			off {
				putlog "#$handle# mel off"
				if {$enabled == 0} {
					putidx $idx "$version - mEL already is off!"
					return 0
				variable enabled 0
				putidx $idx "$version - mEL is now turned off!"
				return 0
			rotation {
				putlog "#$handle# mel rotation"
				if {$enabled == 0} {
					putidx $idx "$version - mEL is disabled. Unable to change rotation settings."
					return 0
				switch -- [lindex $args 1] {
					mac {
						if {$macmode == 0} {
							putlog "$version - Switching to mAC mode..."
							foreach search [binds time] {
								if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
									unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
							putlog "$version - Event timers removed..."
							putlog "$version - Created new logfiles for all channels..."
							variable macmode 1
							variable rotate mac
							putidx $idx "$version - Now running in mAC mode"
						} else {
							putidx $idx "$version - Already running in mAC mode"
							return 0
					week {
						if {$rotate == "week"} {
							putidx $idx "$version - Already rotating every week"
							return 0
						if {$macmode == 0} {
							variable rotate week
							set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $weekdays($weekly)"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
							variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
							foreach search [binds time] {
								if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
									unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
							if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
								set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
							} else {
								set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
							bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
							putidx $idx "$version - Now rotating logfiles every week"
							return 0
						putlog "$version - Disabling mAC mode..."
						variable macmode 0
						variable rotate week
						variable nextswitch {}
						putlog "$version - mAC mode disabled"
						return 0
					month {
						if {$rotate == "month"} {
							putidx $idx "$version - Already rotating every month"
							return 0
						if {$macmode == 0} {
							variable rotate month
							set t [clock format [clock scan "now next month"] -format "00 00 01 %m %Y"]
							variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3]01T000000"]
							foreach search [binds time] {
								if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
									unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
							if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
								set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
							} else {
								set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
							bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
							putidx $idx "$version - Now rotating logfiles every month"
							return 0
						putlog "$version - Disabling mAC mode..."
						variable macmode 0
						variable rotate month
						variable nextswitch {}
						putlog "$version - mAC mode disabled"
						return 0
					year {
						if {$rotate == "year"} {
							putidx $idx "$version - Already rotating every year"
							return 0
						if {$macmode == 0} {
							variable rotate year
							set t [clock format [clock scan "now next year"] -format "00 00 01 01 %Y"]
							variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4]0101T000000"]
							foreach search [binds time] {
								if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
									unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
							if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
								set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
							} else {
								set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
							bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
							putidx $idx "$version - Now rotating logfiles every year"
							return 0
						putlog "$version - Disabling mAC mode..."
						variable macmode 0
						variable rotate year
						variable nextswitch {}
						putlog "$version - mAC mode disabled"
						return 0
					default {
						if {$macmode == 0} {
							if {[string is integer -strict [lindex $args 1]]} {
								if {[expr [lindex $args 1] < 1]} {
									putidx $idx "$version - Invalid argument, expecting integer greater than zero"
									return 0
								variable rotate [lindex $args 1]
								set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $rotate days"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
								variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
								foreach search [binds time] {
									if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
										unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
								if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
									set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
								} else {
									set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
								bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
								putidx $idx "$version - Now rotating logfiles every [lindex $args 1] days"
								return 0
							putidx $idx "$version - Invalid argument, expecting integer"
							return 0
						putlog "$version - Disabling mAC mode..."
						variable macmode 0
						variable rotate [lindex $args 1]
						variable nextswitch {}
						putlog "$version - mAC mode disabled"
						return 0
			status {
				putlog "#$handle# mel status"
				if {[lindex $args 1] == "all"} {
					showstatus [::hand2idx $handle] all
				} else {
					showstatus [::hand2idx $handle] norm
			+chan {
				set whatchan [lindex $args 1]
				if {$whatchan != ""} {
					putlog "#$handle# mel +chan"
					if {[string index $whatchan 0] != "#"} {set whatchan "#$whatchan"}
					if {[item find chan $whatchan]} {
						putidx $idx "$version - $whatchan is already being logged"
						return 0
					set cflag 0
					foreach c [::channels] {
						if {[string compare -nocase $whatchan $c] == 0} {set cflag 1}
					if {$cflag == 0} {
						putidx $idx "$version - Can't add $whatchan - I am not on that channel"
						return 0
					variable enabled 1
					if {![info exists nextswitch]} {
						variable nextswitch 0
					variable skipmac 1
					item add chan $whatchan
					variable skipmac 0
					putidx $idx "$version - Now logging channel $whatchan"
					return 0
				putidx $idx "$version - You forgot to include a channel!"
				return 0
			-chan {
				set whatchan [lindex [split $args] 1]
				if {$whatchan != ""} {
					putlog "#$handle# mel -chan"
					if {[string index $whatchan 0] != "#"} {set whatchan "#$whatchan"}
					if {![array exists channels]} {
						putidx $idx "$version - Can't remove any channel because no channels have been added yet!"
						return 0
					if {![item find chan $whatchan]} {
						putidx $idx "$version - Can't remove channel $whatchan because channel hasn't been added yet!"
						return 0
					item del chan $whatchan
					putidx $idx "$version - No longer logging channel $whatchan"
					putidx $idx "$version - Use \'.mel erase\' to remove the logfiles for channel $whatchan"
					return 0
				putidx $idx "$version - You forgot to include a channel!"
				return 0
			+keep {
				set who [lindex [split $args] 1]
				if {$who != ""} {
					putlog "#$handle# mel +keep"
					if {[string compare -nocase $handle $staticlogkeeper] != 0} {
						putidx $idx "$version - You can't add or remove logkeepers"
						return 0
					if {![::validuser $who]} {
						putidx $idx "$version - $who is not a valid user on this bot"
						return 0
					if {[item find keep $who]} {
						putidx $idx "$version - $who already is a logkeeper"
						return 0
					item add keep $who
					putidx $idx "$version - $who has been added as a logkeeper"
					return 0
				putidx $idx "$version - You forgot to specify a username!"
				return 0
			-keep {
				set who [lindex [split $args] 1]
				if {$who != ""} {
					putlog "#$handle# mel -keep"
					if {[string compare -nocase $handle $staticlogkeeper] != 0} {
						putidx $idx "$version - You can't add or remove logkeepers"
						return 0
					if {[string compare -nocase $who $staticlogkeeper] == 0} {
						putidx $idx "$version - You can't remove the static logkeeper from the partyline"
						return 0
					if {![item find keep $who]} {
						putidx $idx "$version - $who is not registeren as a logkeeper"
						return 0
					item del keep $who
					putidx $idx "$version - $who has been removed as a logkeeper"
					return 0
				putidx $idx "$version - You forgot to specify a username!"
				return 0
			erase {
				putlog "#$handle# mel erase"
				logfile kill [::hand2idx $handle]
				return 0
			default {
				putidx $idx "\002Usage:\002 .mel <on/off/rotation/status/+chan/-chan/+keep/-keep/erase>"
				putidx $idx "For more details refer to the helpfile or type \'.help mel\'"
				return 0

	proc justify {args} {
		if {![info exists ::spacer]} {set spc " "} else {set spc [string index $::spacer 0]}
		set msg [lindex $args 1]
		set width [lindex $args end]
		switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
			l {
				if {$width <= [string length $msg]} {return $msg}
				return [string replace [string repeat $spc $width] 0 [expr [string length $msg] -1] $msg]
			r {
				if {$width <= [string length $msg]} {return $msg}
				return [string replace [string repeat $spc $width] [expr $width - [string length $msg]] end $msg]
			c {
				set startat [expr [expr $width/2] - [expr [string length $msg]/2]]
				set lastchar [expr $startat + [expr [string length $msg] -1]]
				if {$startat<=0} {return $msg}
				return [string replace [string repeat $spc $width] $startat $lastchar $msg]
			lr {
				set msg1 $msg
				set msg2 [lindex $args 2]
				if {$width <= [expr [string length $msg1] + [string length $msg2]]} {return "$msg1$msg2"}
				return [string replace [string replace [string repeat $spc $width] 0 [expr [string length $msg1] -1] $msg1] [expr $width - [string length $msg2]] end $msg2]
	proc showstatus {idx mode} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		set fline "+[string repeat - 58]+"
		putidx $idx $fline
		putidx $idx "|[justify c "$version Status Overview" 58]|"
		putidx $idx $fline
		putidx $idx "|[justify l " Today is \002[clock format [clock scan now] -format %c]\002" 60]|"
		if {$mode == "all"} {
			if {$enabled == 1} {set st "\002enabled\002"} else {set st "\002disabled\002"}
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " mEL is currently $st" 60]|"
			if {$bhosts == 1} {set st "\002enabled\002"} else {set st "\002disabled\002"}
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " Host blocking is $st" 60]|"
			if {$macmode == 1} {set st "\002enabled\002"} else {set st "\002disabled\002"}
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " mAC mode is currently $st" 60]|"
		putidx $idx $fline
		if {[array size channels] > 0} {
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " Currently logging the following channels:" 58]|"
			foreach c [lsort [array names channels]] {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l "  \002$channels($c)\002" 60]|"
			putidx $idx $fline
		} else {
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " Currently no channels are being logged" 58]|"
			putidx $idx $fline
		if {$mode == "all"} {
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " Current logkeepers:" 58]|"
			putidx $idx "|[justify l "  \002$staticlogkeeper\002 (static)" 60]|"
			if {[array size keepers] > 0} {
				foreach k [lsort [array names keepers]] {
					putidx $idx "|[justify l "  \002$keepers($k)\002" 60]|"
			putidx $idx $fline
		if {$macmode == 0} {
			if {[string is integer $rotate]} {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " Logfiles will rotate every \002$rotate day(s)\002" 60]|"
			} else {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " Logfiles will rotate every \002$rotate\002" 60]|"
			putidx $idx $fline
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " Next logfile rotation will be at:" 58]|"
			putidx $idx "|[justify l " \002[clock format $nextswitch -format %c]\002" 60]|"
			putidx $idx $fline
		if {$mode == "all"} {
			if {[file pathtype $statsdir] == "relative" } {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " Storing settings in:" 58]|"
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " \002[file nativename [pwd]/$statsdir]\002" 60]|"
			} else {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " Storing settings in:" 58]|"
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " \002[file nativename $statsdir]\002" 60]|"
			if {[file pathtype $statslogdir] == "relative" } {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " Storing logfiles in:" 58]|"
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " \002[file nativename [pwd]/$statslogdir]\002" 60]|"
			} else {
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " Storing logfiles in:" 58]|"
				putidx $idx "|[justify l " \002[file nativename $statslogdir]\002" 60]|"
			putidx $idx $fline
	proc logfile {action chan} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		switch -- $action {
			create {
				set starttime [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%a %b %d %T %Y"]
				set time_current [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%H:%M"]
				if {[expr $unixnames < 1]} {
					set curFilename [string tolower ${chan}.log]
				} else {
					set curFilename [string tolower [string range $chan 1 end].log]
				if {![item find chan $chan]} {
					putlog "$version - Unable to create logfile for channel not in array! Channel: $chan"
					return 0
				if {![file exists [file join $statslogdir $curFilename]]} {
					variable skipmac 1
					writelog sesdata 0 1 2 $chan "Session Start: $starttime"
					writelog sesdata 0 1 2 $chan "\[$time_current\] *** Now talking in $chan"
					variable skipmac 0
					putlog "$version - Created logfile for $chan"
				} else {
					putlog "$version - Can't create logfile for channel $chan - Appending to existing logfile"
					return 0
				return 0
			close {
				set stoptime [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%a %b %d %T %Y"]
				if {[expr $unixnames < 1]} {
					set curFilename [string tolower ${chan}.log]
				} else {
					set curFilename [string tolower [string range $chan 1 end].log]
				if {![item find chan $chan]} {
					putlog "$version - Cannot close logfile for $chan. Channel not in array!"
					return 0
				putlog "$version - Channel $chan has logfile [file join $statslogdir $curFilename]"
				if {![file exists [file join $statslogdir $curFilename]]} {
					putlog "$version - Cannot close logfile for $chan. File does not exist!"
					return 0
				writelog sesdata 0 1 2 $chan "Session Close: $stoptime"
				putlog "$version - Closed logfile for $chan"
				return 0
			kill {
				set handle $chan
				set dffile [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile]
				if {![file exists $dffile]} {
					putidx $handle "All redundant logfiles already removed!"
					return 0
				putidx $handle "Deleting redundant logfiles..."
				set read_dead [open $dffile r]
				while {![eof $read_dead]} {
					set data [gets $read_dead]
					if {[eof $read_dead]} {break}
					if {[expr $unixnames < 1]} {
						set curFilename [string tolower $data].log"
					} else {
						set curFilename [string tolower [string range $data 1 end]]
					foreach dead_chan [glob -nocomplain [file join $statslogdir $curFilename]*] {
						file delete -force $dead_chan
						if {[file pathtype $dead_chan] == "relative"} {putidx $handle "Deleted [pwd]/$dead_chan..."} else {putidx $handle "Deleted $dead_chan..."}
				close $read_dead
				file delete -force $dffile
				putidx $handle "\nFinished deleting redundant logfiles..."
				return 0
			datestamp {
				set starttime [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%a %b %d %T %Y"]
				if {![array exists channels] || [array size channels] < 1} {
					putlog "$version - No channels defined. Use +chan first. Unable to add datestamp in logfile."
					variable enabled 0
					return 0
				foreach c [lsort [array names channels]] {
					writelog sesdata 0 1 2 $channels($c) "Session Time: $starttime"
				return 0

	proc switchlogs {} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {$enabled == 0} {return 0}
		foreach c [lsort [array names channels]] {
			set curChan $channels($c)
			logfile close $curChan
			if {[expr $unixnames < 1]} {
				set curFilename [string tolower $curChan]
			} else {
				set curFilename [string tolower [string range $curChan 1 end]]
			if {$dodatestamp == 1} {
				if {$doyearstamp == 0} {
					set date [clock format [clock scan "now yesterday"] -format %m.%d.%Y]
				} else {
					set date [clock format [clock scan "now yesterday"] -format %Y]
				file rename -force [file join $statslogdir $curFilename].log [file join $statslogdir $curFilename].${date}.log
			} else {
				file rename -force [file join $statslogdir $curFilename].log [file join $statslogdir $curFilename].bak
			logfile create $curChan
		if {$notify == 1} {
			sendnote mEL $staticlogkeeper "$version - Logfiles have rotated at [clock format [clock scan now] -format %c]"
	proc checktimer {} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {$nextswitch == ""} {
			putlog "$version - No rotation date found - Binding new timer (logfile switcher)"
			switch -- $rotate {
				week {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $weekdays($weekly)"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
				month {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next month"] -format "00 00 01 %m %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3]01T000000"]
				year {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next year"] -format "00 00 01 01 %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4]0101T000000"]
				default {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $rotate days"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
			if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
				set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
			} else {
				set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
			bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
			return 0
		if {[expr [clock scan now] > $nextswitch]} {
			putlog "$version - Missed a switch at [clock format $nextswitch -format %c]... switching now"
			switch -- $rotate {
				week {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $weekdays($weekly)"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
				month {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next month"] -format "00 00 01 %m %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3]01T000000"]
				year {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next year"] -format "00 00 01 01 %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4]0101T000000"]
				default {
					set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $rotate days"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
					variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
		set t [clock format $nextswitch -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
		if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
			set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
		} else {
			set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
		bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
		return 0			
	proc checkstamptimer {} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		switch -- $stamplogs {
			0 { 
				foreach search [binds time] {
					if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::stamptimer"] == 0} {
						unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::stamptimer
				return 0
			1 {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next day"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
				variable stampat [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
			2 {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next monday"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
				variable stampat [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
			3 {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next month"] -format "00 00 01 %m %Y"]
				variable stampat [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3]01T000000"]
		set t [clock format $stampat -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
		if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
			set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
		} else {
			set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
		bind time - $tt ::mel::stamptimer
		return 0
	proc stamptimer {min hour day month year} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		logfile datestamp all
		foreach search [binds time] {
			if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::stamptimer"] == 0} {
				unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::stamptimer
		if {$enabled == 0} {
			putlog "$version - mEL is disabled - Not binding timed event (log datestamping)"
			return 0
		return 0
	proc timer {min hour day month year} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {$enabled == 0} {return 0}
		foreach search [binds time] {
			if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
				unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
		if {$enabled == 0} {
			putlog "$version - mEL is disabled - Not binding timed event (logfile switching)"
			return 0
		switch -- $rotate {
			week {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $weekdays($weekly)"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
				variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
			month {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next month"] -format "00 00 01 %m %Y"]
				variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3]01T000000"]
			year {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next year"] -format "00 00 01 01 %Y"]
				variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4]0101T000000"]
			default {
				set t [clock format [clock scan "now next $rotate days"] -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
				variable nextswitch [clock scan "[lindex $t 4][lindex $t 3][lindex $t 2]T000000"]
		set t [clock format $nextswitch -format "00 00 %d %m %Y"]
		if {[string length [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]] == 1} {
			set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 0[expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
		} else {
			set tt [lreplace $t 3 3 [expr [lindex $t 3] -1]]
		bind time - $tt ::mel::timer
		putlog "$version - Next switch will occur at [clock format $nextswitch -format %c]"
		return 0

	proc arrayinit {} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {![file exists [file join $statsdir $settings]]} {
			variable enabled 0
			return 1
		set readsettings [open [file join $statsdir $settings] r]
		set datatype 0
		while {![eof $readsettings]} {
			set data [gets $readsettings]
			if {[eof $readsettings]} {break}
			if {[string index [lindex $data 0] 0] == "\["} {
				regsub -all {[\[\]]} $data {} type
				switch -- $type {
					channels { set datatype 1 }
					keepers { set datatype 2 }
					rotation { set datatype 3 }
					switch { set datatype 4 }
					EOF { break }
			switch -- $datatype {
				0 { continue }
				1 { lappend allchans $data ; continue }
				2 { lappend allkeeps $data ; continue }
				3 { set tmac $data ; continue }
				4 { set swdate $data ; continue }
		close $readsettings
		array unset channels
		if {[info exists allchans]} {
			set cnt 0
			foreach c $allchans {
				set channels($cnt) $c
				incr cnt
			variable enabled 1
		} else {
			variable enabled 0
			return 0
		array unset keepers
		if {[info exists allkeeps]} {
			set cnt 0
			foreach k $allkeeps {
				set keepers($cnt) $k
				incr cnt
		switch -- $tmac {
			mac {
				variable macmode 1
			week {
				variable macmode 0
				variable rotate week
			month {
				variable macmode 0
				variable rotate month
			year {
				variable macmode 0
				variable rotate year
			default {
				variable macmode 0
				variable rotate $tmac
		variable nextswitch $swdate
		return 0
	proc arraywrite {} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {[file exists [file join $statsdir $settings]]} {
			file rename -force [file join $statsdir $settings] [file join $statsdir $settings].old
		set writesettings [open [file join $statsdir $settings] w]
		puts $writesettings "\[channels\]"
		foreach c [lsort [array names channels]] {
			puts $writesettings $channels($c)
		puts $writesettings "\[keepers\]"
		foreach k [lsort [array names keepers]] {
			puts $writesettings $keepers($k)
		puts $writesettings "\[rotation\]"
		puts $writesettings $rotate
		puts $writesettings "\[switch\]"
		puts $writesettings $nextswitch
		puts $writesettings "\[EOF\]"
		close $writesettings
	proc item {action type item} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		switch -- $action {
			find {
				switch -- $type {
					chan {
						if {[array exists channels]} {
							foreach c [array names channels] {
								if {[string compare -nocase $channels($c) $item] == 0} {
									return 1
						return 0
					keep {
						if {[string compare -nocase $item $staticlogkeeper] == 0} {
							return 1
						if {[array exists keepers]} {
							foreach k [array names keepers] {
								if {[string compare -nocase $keepers($k) $item] == 0} {
									return 1
						return 0
			add {
				switch -- $type {
					chan {
						if {![array exists channels]} {
							set channels(0) $item
						} else {
							set channels([expr [array size channels] + 1]) $item
						logfile create $item
						if {[file exists [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile]]} {
							set read [open [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile] r]
							while {![eof $read]} {
								set data [gets $read]
								if {[eof $read]} {break}
								if {[string compare -nocase $item $data] != 0} {
									set write [open [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile].tmp a]
									puts $write $data
									close $write
							close $read
							if {[file exists [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile].tmp]} {
								file rename -force [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile].tmp [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile]
							} else {
								file delete -force [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile]
					keep {
						if {![array exists keepers]} {
							set keepers(0) $item
						} else {
							set keepers([expr [array size keepers] + 1]) $item
			del {
				switch -- $type {
					chan {
						foreach c [array names channels] {
							if {[string compare -nocase $channels($c) $item] == 0} {
								logfile close $item
								unset channels($c)
								set add_dead [open [file join $statsdir $deadchanfile] a]
								puts $add_dead $item
								close $add_dead
								if {[array names channels] == ""} {
									variable enabled 0
									foreach search [binds time] {
										if {[string compare [lindex $search 4] "::mel::timer"] == 0} {
											unbind time - "[lindex $search 2]" ::mel::timer
									putlog "$version - No channels are being logged. mEL turned off, existing time bindings removed."
					keep {
						foreach k [array names keepers] {
							if {[string compare -nocase $keepers($k) $item] == 0} {
								unset keepers($k)
	proc strip {args} {
		foreach char [split $args {}] {
			if {[string is graph $char] || $char == " "} {
				append printable $char
		return $printable
	proc writelog {args} {
		variable actives
		foreach v $actives {variable $v}
		if {$enabled == 0} {return 0}
		if {$bhosts == 1 && [isignore [lindex $args 2]]} {return 0}
		set curTime [clock format [clock scan now] -format "%H:%M"]
		set curChannel [string tolower [lindex $args 4]]
		if {![item find chan $curChannel]} { return 0 }
		if {[expr $unixnames < 1]} {
			set curFilename ${curChannel}.log
		} else {
			set curFilename [string range $curChannel 1 end].log
		if {$skipmac == 0} {
			if {$macmode == 1 && ![file exists [file join $statslogdir $curFilename]]} {
				logfile create $curChannel
		switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
			chat {
				if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $ignorenicks] [string tolower [lindex $args 1]]] == -1} {
					set addline "\[$curTime\] <[lindex $args 1]> [join [strip [lindex $args 5]]]"
				} else {
					return 0
			join {set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 1] ([lindex $args 2]) has joined $curChannel"}
			quit {set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 1] has quit IRC ([join [strip [lindex $args 5]]])"}
			topic {
				if {[lindex $args 1] == "*"} {return}
				set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 1] changes topic to '[join [strip [lindex $args 5]]]'"
			kick {set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 5] was kicked by [lindex $args 1] ([lindex $args 6])"}
			nick {set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 1] is now known as [lindex $args 5]"}
			mode {set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 1] sets mode: [lindex $args 5] [lindex $args 6]"}
			part {set addline "\[$curTime\] *** [lindex $args 1] ([lindex $args 2]) has left [lindex $args 4] ([lindex $args 5])"}
			action {
				if {[lsearch -exact [string tolower $ignorenicks] [string tolower [lindex $args 1]]] == -1} {
					set addline "\[$curTime\] * [lindex $args 1] [join [strip [lindex $args 5]]]"
				} else {
					return 0
			sesdata {set addline [lindex $args 5]}
		set writeout [open [file join $statslogdir $curFilename] a]
		puts $writeout $addline
		close $writeout
	proc chatter {nick host handle channel text} {writelog chat $nick $host $handle $channel $text}
	proc enter {nick host handle channel} {writelog join $nick $host $handle $channel}
	proc signoff {nick host handle channel partmsg} {writelog quit $nick $host $handle $channel $partmsg}
	proc ctopic {nick host handle channel topic} {writelog topic $nick $host $handle $channel $topic}
	proc kicked {nick host handle channel target reason} {writelog kick $nick $host $handle $channel $target $reason}
	proc nickchange {nick host handle channel newnick} {writelog nick $nick $host $handle $channel $newnick}
	proc cmode {nick host handle channel change victim} {writelog mode $nick $host $handle $channel $change $victim}
	proc parting {nick host handle channel partmsg} {writelog part $nick $host $handle $channel $partmsg}
	proc action {nick host handle destination keyword arg} {writelog action $nick $host $handle $destination $arg}
putlog "Initializing $::mel::version...."
putlog "$::mel::version - Running startup tests..."
if {[::mel::starttests]} {
	putlog $::mel::starterror
	die "Fatal error - Can not continue"
} else {
	::mel::logfile datestamp all
	if {$::mel::macmode == 0 && $::mel::enabled == 1} {
	putlog "$::mel::version successfully initialized..."

### Feel free to alter this tcl to your personal flavour... just don't forget who wrote the
### original code... Also, if you find bugs, or even fix some.. then please let me know!
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Post by Thunderdome »

I still can't make the script work...
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Post by Alchera »

Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by Thunderdome »

I have read that already and tried a fix there... the fix works out, altough is not that easy to understand... I suggest people using mel fix the problem, even before ti appears...
Think of it as a new "self update" :)
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Post by pobunjeni »

can someone paste the fixed mel.tcl because i can't get him to work.
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Post by Alchera »

pobunjeni wrote:can someone paste the fixed mel.tcl because i can't get him to work.
Search the Tcl Archive for something that does work.
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by mabus »

The fix only seems to work if you turn off the variables involved in date stamping the logs {on top}. It's not a perfect solution quite yet.

The rotation problem seems to still be there. Trying to rotate daily gives nothing but error messages. Weekly gives an error message the first time you set it, and accepts it the second time. Monthly accepts it outright.

No clue as yet if it will actually rotate with this "fix", I've set it to week {the shorter period it seems to allow without an error message} and we'll see how it goes.

Today is Thursday September 13th so we should know by Friday morning next week September 21st.
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Post by rosc2112 »

There's a script called LogZipper for rotating/archiving logs, if that's any help to you. Needs a little fixing, I posted a fixed copy here:
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Post by DragnLord »

what is all this "stuff" about mel.tcl, that wasn't the problem...
The following are the relevant error lines telling where the problem is:

"Tcl error in file 'VectorSigma.conf': "
"(file "VectorSigma.conf" line 130)"
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Post by mabus »

Thanks Rosc2112, i'll try that out

Dragonlord, all that means is that the line in the bot which loads the script caused an error {there's an error in the Mel script}. That's not the problem. The problem is with the script itself.
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Post by mabus »

mabus wrote:The fix only seems to work if you turn off the variables involved in date stamping the logs {on top}. It's not a perfect solution quite yet.

The rotation problem seems to still be there. Trying to rotate daily gives nothing but error messages. Weekly gives an error message the first time you set it, and accepts it the second time. Monthly accepts it outright.

No clue as yet if it will actually rotate with this "fix", I've set it to week {the shorter period it seems to allow without an error message} and we'll see how it goes.

Today is Thursday September 13th so we should know by Friday morning next week September 21st.
Still does not work.
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