Code: Select all
if {([isop $nick $chan]) || ([isvoice $nick $chan]) || ([ishalfop $nick $chan]) || ([matchattr $hand n])} {
} else {
set phrase [lindex $plist [rand [llength $plist]]]
regsub -all -nocase {%nick} $phrase $nick phrase
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$phrase"
This is a code.
This code check op, halfop, voice and botowner.
This check works for most irc network bacuse there are no more modes (flags) for user in channel. But, in the Unreal we have two additional flags (+a for SOP(superop) and +q for channel owner ). Like an op there is an additional symbol in nick ("@" for op) the has "&" - for SOP and "~" - for ChanOwner.
How can I detect that user has +q or +a mode (the user SOP or ChanOwner)
I have tried to get all chanlist by using:
Code: Select all
set chlist [chanlist $chan]
putlog "$chlist"
but it's not create a list with additional sysmbol.
I need to catch the first spesial symbol if it is[/code]