Hi, all I want is a simple timer which puts a message in a channel every 2 minutes.
So the channel should be #jonathan
the message should be "hello"
and every 2 minutes.
set channel "#omfgnaps #spielersuche"
set time 3
set text {
if {[string compare [string index $time 0] "!"] == 0} { set timer [string range $time 1 end] } { set timer [expr $time * 60] }
if {[lsearch -glob [utimers] "* go *"] == -1} { utimer $timer go }
proc go {} {
global channel time text timer
foreach chan $channel {
foreach line $text { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$line" }
if {[lsearch -glob [utimers] "* go *"] == -1} { utimer $timer go }