Okay so I'm new to this and I got two shells. I got an eggdrop running on each shell.
I'm making BOT01 the hub and BOT02 the leaf.
This is what I did on BOT01 in DCC Chat:
.+bot BOT02
[4:15pm] < BOT01 > [21:15] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:+bot mynick 8 BOT02
[4:15pm] < BOT01 > Added bot 'BOT02' with no address and no hostmask.
[4:15pm] < BOT01 > (Added hostmask for BOT02 from #botchannel)
and then
.chattr BOT02 +fo
[4:15pm] < BOT01 > [21:15] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:chattr mynick 8 BOT02 +fo
[4:15pm] < BOT01 > Global flags for BOT02 are now +bflo.
Thats all I did with that one, the hub. Then I went over to BOT02 and did the following:
.+bot BOT01 bot.01.vhost:port i set in bot01.conf
[4:17pm] < BOT02 > [21:17] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:+bot mynick 8 BOT01 bot.01.vhost:port i set in bot01.conf
[4:17pm] < BOT02 > Added bot 'BOT01' with address 'bot.01.vhost:port i set in bot01.conf' and no hostmask.
[4:17pm] < BOT02 > (Added hostmask for BOT01 from #botchannel)
and then
.chattr BOT01 +fo
[4:18pm] < BOT02 > [21:18] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:chattr mynick 8 BOT01 +fo
[4:18pm] < BOT02 > Global flags for BOT01 are now +bflo.
and finally
.botattr BOT01 +h
[4:33pm] < BOT02 > [21:33] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:botattr mynick 8 BOT01 +h
[4:33pm] < BOT02 > Bot flags for BOT01 are now +h.
So as far as I know, thats all I have to do.
This is what I see in DCC Chat with BOT01 (the hub)
[4:52pm] < BOT01 > [21:52] net: connect! sock 3
[4:52pm] < BOT01 > [21:52] DNS resolved bot.02.ip.address to bot02.vhost
[4:52pm] < BOT01 > [21:52] Telnet connection: bot02.vhost/4542
[4:52pm] < BOT01 > [21:52] net: connect! sock 10
over and over again, only difference is that "4542" changes each time.
This is what I see going on in DCC Chat with BOT02 (the leaf)
[4:34pm] < BOT02 > [21:34] DNS resolved bot.01.vhost to bot.01.ip.address
[4:34pm] < BOT02 > [21:34] net: eof!(read) socket 9
over and over again, same thing each time.
Did I do something wrong or miss something? Do you need anymore info?