Now instead of ./ircstats we must do ircstats
or eggdrop instead of ./eggdrop
The problem is, how do I change my script line that does this:
Code: Select all
eval exec $ircstatsexe $ircstatslog $ircstatscfg
Merry Xmas
Code: Select all
eval exec $ircstatsexe $ircstatslog $ircstatscfg
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#set the full path to your ircstats executable
set ircstatsexe "/home/lol/IRCStats-1.0/ircstats"
#set the full path to your logfile
set ircstatslog "/home/lol/eggdrop/logs/thunderdome.log"
#set the full path to your ircstats cfg file
set ircstatscfg "/home/lol/IRCStats-1.0/ircstats.cfg"
#set the url for your statistics page
set ircstatsurl ""
#change this at will: minutes hours days year
bind time - "07 * * * *" execution
bind time - "27 * * * *" execution
bind time - "47 * * * *" execution
#change n to whatever flag you wish (- for all users) and change !ircstats to whatever bind you wish to use
bind pub n !ircstats execution
proc execution {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
#### change the directory to your Ircstats main directory ####
cd /home/lol/IRCStats-1.0/
global ircstatsexe ircstatslog ircstatscfg ircstatsurl
eval exec $ircstatsexe $ircstatslog $ircstatscfg
append out "NOTICE $nick :" ; if {[catch {exec $ircstatsexe} error]} { append out "$ircstatsexe an error occured: [string totitle $error]" } else { append out "4,5Stats Updated:0,5 $ircstatsurl" }
puthelp $out
#### change the directory to your eggdrop main directory ####
cd /home/lol/eggdrop/
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tag when posting logs, code