hi, i've been trying to figure out how to do this but im totally lost.
Im tryin to get a script that will check a user's nickname on join for 2 things
1.) the word girl in the nick. if it sees girl it will ask the user once to change it, if they dont they will be banned in 3 minutes
2.) if a nick has numbers in it that are under 18 but excluding single digitals 10-17 maybe, (i.e.: kenola14 but not kenola1), it kick/ban the person and msg "you being banned because you are underage, if this incorrect please contact an op"
i was looking thru the forum, i could of swarn someone asked for something close to this a couple weeks ago but i couldnt find it
Its a 18+ Cybersex channel, [edited]... its getting very popular, 48+ daily. Honestly i dont know why they like to cyber, done it once didnt like it.. but we are gettin alot of underage in, already got a few scripts set in place.. that are helping big time, most of them had to modify to my needs.
but we have a VERY strict poilcy on young people in here
I agree with demond; such efforts will not stop perverts let alone kids. So, underage boys are ok to enter but not girls?
Seriously, have you tried setting a channel key? Some kids actually have trouble fathoming channel keys. Setting it +s or +p (private) may also help. There's no real TCL solution.
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bind join - "#gangbangsluts *" check:nick
bind time - * kick:girl
proc check:nick {n u h c} {
global gotgirl
if {[string match {*1[0234567]} $n]} {
putserv "kick $c $n :Underaged user, if incorrect msg one of the ops."
putserv "mode $c +b *!*@[lindex [split $u] 1]"
} elseif {[string match -nocase *girl* $n]} {
if {![info exists gotgirl([string tolower $n:[lindex [split $u @] 1]])]} {
set gotgirl([string tolower $n:[lindex [split $u @] 1]]) [unixtime]
puthelp "notice $n :You have 3 minutes to change your nick or else you'll get banned."
proc kick:girl {m args} {
global gotgirl
foreach {nu t} [array get gotgirl] {
if {([unixtime] - $t)/60 >= 3} {
if {[onchan [set n [lindex [split $nu :] 0]] #gangbangsluts]} {
putserv "kick #gangbangsluts $n :You have the phrase girl in your nick which is against our chan's policy"
putserv "mode #gangbangsluts +b *!*@[lindex [split $nu :] 1]"
unset gotgirl($nu)
this script will also be servered as a learnning tool for myself, so i can understand some of the verablies... is there any good learner help sites for tcl?
avatar132 wrote:this script will also be servered as a learnning tool for myself, so i can understand some of the verablies... is there any good learner help sites for tcl?