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imdb script need small modification

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:44 am

imdb script need small modification

Post by furious »

I have the following script, which overall works great for me. However, I can't figure out how to change 1 thing. Instead of displaying the information publically, or in a notice in the channel I would like the information sent in a PM to the person who requests it.

Code: Select all

##     This iMDB.tcl requires Eggdrop1.6.0 or higher      ##
##                  (c) 2003 by B0unTy                    ##
##                                                        ##
## INSTALL:                                               ##
## ========                                               ##
##   1- Copy iMDB.tcl in your dir scripts/                ##
##   2- Add iMDB.tcl in your eggdrop.conf:                ##
##        source scripts/imdb.tcl                         ##
##                                                        ##
##   For each channel you want users to use !imdb cmd     ##
##   Just type in partyline: .chanset #channel +imdb      ##
##                                                        ##
# =============
# TITLE       = %title   |   BOLD      = %bold
# URL         = %url      |   UNDERLINE   = %uline
# DIRECTOR      = %name      |   COLORS      = %color#,#
# GENRE       = %genre   |   NEW LINE   = \n
# SYNOPSIS       = %plot      |-----------------------------
# RATING       = %rating   |   !! to reset color code !!
# VOTES       = %votes   |   !! use %color w/o args !!
# RUNTIME       = %time      |
# BUDGET       = %budget   |
# SCREENS       = %screens   |
# TAGLINE      = %tagline   |
# MPAA         = %mpaa      |
# COUNTRY      = %country   |
# LANGUAGE      = %language   |
# SOUND MIX      = %soundmix   |
# TOP 250      = %top250   |
# ====================
# Example:
#  set random(IMDBIRC-0)       "IMDB info for %bold%title%bold Directed by %name"
#  set random(IMDBIRC-1)       "IMDB info for %title Directed by %bold%name%bold"
#  set random(IMDBIRC-2)       "IMDB info for %title Directed by %name"
# TYPE --------^   ^
#       ID --------^
#  set announce(IMDBIRC) "random 3"
# TYPE ---------^        ^    ^
#       RANDOM ----------^    ^
#           # OF IDS ---------^
# example random announces:
# set announce(IMDBIRC) "random 3"
# set random(IMDBIRC-0) "IMDB info for %bold%title%bold Directed by %name -> rated %uline%rating%uline (%votes votes) - genre: %genre - runtime: %time mins >> URL: %uline%url%uline >> Budget: %budget >> Screens: (USA) %screens"
# set random(IMDBIRC-1) "TITLE: %bold%title%bold - DIRECTOR: %name - RATE: %rating by %votes users - GENRE: %genre - RUNTIME: %time mins - URL: %url - BUDGET: %budget - SCREENS: (USA) %screens"
# set random(IMDBIRC-2) "%bold%title%bold - %url\n%boldDirected by:%bold %name\n%boldGenre:%bold %genre\n%boldTagline:%bold %tagline\n%boldSynopsis:%bold %plot\n%boldRating:%bold %rating (%votes votes) top 250:%bold%top250%bold\n%boldMPAA:%bold %mpaa\n%boldRuntime:%bold %time mins.\n%boldCountry:%bold %country\n%boldLanguage:%bold %language\n%boldSound Mix:%bold %soundmix\n%boldBudget:%bold %budget \n%boldOpening Weekend:%bold (USA) %screens"

# example normal announce:
set announce(IMDBIRC) "%bold%title%bold - %url\n%boldGenre:%bold %genre\n%boldTagline:%bold %tagline\n%boldRating:%bold %rating (%votes votes) top 250:%bold%top250%bold\n%boldRuntime:%bold %time mins.\n%boldCountry:%bold %country\n%boldLanguage:%bold %language\n%boldBudget:%bold %budget"

# for a channel !imdb request
# set to 1 = all results will be sent publicly to the channel
# set to 0 = all results will be sent as private notice
set pub_or_not 0

# use or not the imdb debugger (1=enable debug  0=disable debug)
# set IMDB_ALTERNATIVE 0 = use the internal tcl http 2.3 package
# set IMDB_ALTERNATIVE 1 = use the external curl 6.0+

# set here the location path where find curl 6.0+
set binary(CURL) ""

if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } { package require http 2.3 }
setudef flag imdb

bind pub -|- !imdb imdb_proc
bind join - * imdb:join:message

proc imdb:join:message {nick uhost hand chan} {
  global imdb
  set permission_result [channel_check $chan]

  if { $permission_result == 0 } { return }
  if {[isbotnick $nick] || [matchattr $hand bo]} {return}

  set joinmsg "Type \002!imdb\002 for an Internet Movie Database (IMDB) Search."

  notice $nick $joinmsg

proc notice {who what} {
	putquick "NOTICE $who :$what"

proc htmlcodes {tempfile} {
   set mapfile [string map {\" ' & & [ ( \\ / ] ) \{ ( \} ) £ £ ¨ ¨ © © « « ­ ­ ® ®} $tempfile]
   set mapfile [string map {´ ´ · · ¹ ¹ » » ¼ ¼ ½ ½ ¾ ¾ À À Á Á Â Â } $mapfile]
   set mapfile [string map {Ã Ã Ä Ä Å Å Æ Æ Ç Ç È È É É Ê Ê Ë Ë Ì Ì Í Í Î Î Ï Ï Ð Ð Ñ Ñ Ò Ò Ó Ó Ô Ô Õ Õ Ö Ö } $mapfile]
   set mapfile [string map {× × Ø Ø Ù Ù Ú Ú Û Û Ü Ü Ý Ý Þ Þ ß ß à à á á â â ã ã ä ä å å æ æ ç ç è è é é ê ê } $mapfile]
   set mapfile [string map {ë ë ì ì í í î î ï ï ð ð ñ ñ ò ò ó ó ô ô õ õ ö ö ÷ ÷ ø ø ù ù ú ú û û ü ü ý ý þ þ } $mapfile]
   return $mapfile

proc channel_check { chan } {
   foreach setting [channel info $chan] {
      if {[regexp -- {^[\+-]} $setting]} {
         if {![string compare "+imdb" $setting]} {
            set permission 1
         } else {
            set permission 0
   return $permission

proc replacevar {strin what withwhat} {
   set output $strin
   set replacement $withwhat
   set cutpos 0
   while { [string first $what $output] != -1 } {
      set cutstart [expr [string first $what $output] - 1]
      set cutstop  [expr $cutstart + [string length $what] + 1]
      set output [string range $output 0 $cutstart]$replacement[string range $output $cutstop end]
   return $output

proc imdb_proc { nick uhost handle chan arg } {
   global IMDB_DEBUG pub_or_not announce random binary IMDB_ALTERNATIVE
   set arg [string map {\\ \\\\ \" \\\" \' \\\' \{ \\\{ \} \\\} \[ \\\[ \] \\\] \( \\\( \) \\\)} $arg]
   # channel_check permission
   set permission_result [channel_check $chan]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG permission_result == $permission_result" }
   if { $permission_result == 0 } { return }
   # public or private
   if {$pub_or_not == 1 } { set toput "PRIVMSG $chan" } else { set toput "NOTICE $nick" }
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG toput_result == $toput" }
   # if no arg passed, show help
   if {$arg == ""} {
      if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } { set using "Http 2.3+" } else { set using "Curl 6.0+" }
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG no arg passed, show help" }
      putquick "$toput :IMDb info script \002v2.3.4\002 by B0unTy using \002$using\002"
      putquick "$toput :\002Syntax: !imdb <movie title>\002  example: !imdb Beautiful Mind"
   # initial search
   set imdburl ""
   set imdbsearchurl ";nm=on;mx=5;"
   set searchString [string map {\  %20 & %26 , %2C . %20} $arg]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG searchString: \"$searchString\"" }
   if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
      set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG ${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString" }
      set page [::http::geturl ${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString]
      set html [::http::data $page]
      ::http::Finish $page
   } else {
      catch { exec $binary(CURL) "${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString" } html
   #if redirect necessary, find first link and redirect
   if { [regexp {<title>IMDb name and title search</title>} $html] == 1 } {
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG redirect 1" }
      set ttcode "0000001"
      if [regexp {/title/tt[0-9]+} $html ttcode] {
         set pos [string last / $ttcode] ; incr pos
         set ttcode [string range $ttcode $pos end]
      # for bogus ttcode
      if { $ttcode == "0000001" } {
         puthelp "$toput :No no no! I can't find that!"
         if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG bogus ttcode" }
      set newurl "$imdburl/title/$ttcode/"
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG redirect 1 = $newurl" }
      # get the page redirected to
      unset html
      if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
         set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
         set page [::http::geturl $newurl]
         set html [::http::data $page]
         ::http::Finish $page
      } else {
         catch { exec $binary(CURL) "$newurl" } html
   # if no redirect happened, then get first page on match
   } else {
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG redirect 0" }
      if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
         upvar 0 $page oldpage
         regexp {title/tt[0-9]+/} $oldpage(body) location
      } else {
         set result [catch { exec $binary(CURL) -i "${imdbsearchurl}q=$searchString" } oldpage]
         regexp {title/tt[0-9]+/} $oldpage location
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG redirect 0 Location == $location" }
      set newurl "$imdburl/$location"
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG redirect 0 = $newurl" }
      unset html
      if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
         set page [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
         set page [::http::geturl $newurl]
         set html [::http::data $page]
         ::http::Finish $page
      } else {
         catch { exec $binary(CURL) "$newurl" } html
   # for bogus searches
   if {[string length $newurl] == 0} {
      puthelp "$toput :No no no! I can't find that!"
      if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG bogus searches" }
   set title "N/A" ; set name "N/A" ; set genre "N/A" ; set tagline "N/A"
   set plot "N/A" ; set rating "N/A" ; set votes "N/A" ; set mpaa "N/A"
   set runtime "N/A" ; set budget "N/A" ; set screens "N/A" ; set country "N/A"
   set language "N/A" ; set soundmix "N/A" ; set top250 "N/A"
   ## get title
   if [regexp {<title>[^<]+} $html title] {
      set pos [expr [string last > $title] + 1]
      set title [string range $title $pos end]
      set title [htmlcodes $title]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG title == $title" }
   ## get director
   if [regexp {Directed by</b><br>\n <[^>]+>[^<]+} $html name] {
      set pos [string last > $name] ; incr pos
      set name [string range $name $pos end]
      set name [htmlcodes $name]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG director == $name" }
   ## get genre
   if [regexp {<a href=./Sections/Genres[^\n]+} $html genre] {
      regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $genre {} genre
      regsub {\(.*\)} $genre {} genre
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG genre == $genre" }
   ## get tagline
   if [regexp {<b class="ch">Tagline:</b>[^<]+} $html tagline] {
      set pos [string last > $tagline] ; incr pos
      set tagline [string range $tagline $pos end]
      set tagline [string trim $tagline]
      set tagline [htmlcodes $tagline]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG tagline == $tagline" }
   ## get plot
   if [regexp {<b class=\"ch\">Plot (Summary|Outline):</b>[\s\n]+[^<]+} $html plot] {
      set pos [string last > $plot] ; incr pos
      set plot [string range $plot $pos end]
      set plot [string trim $plot]
      set plot [htmlcodes $plot]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG plot == $plot" }
   ## get iMDb rating
   if [regexp {<b>\d.\d/10</b> \([\w\s\d,]+\)} $html rating] {
      set pos [string last ( $rating]
      set pos1 [string first { } $rating $pos]
      incr pos ; incr pos1 -1
      set votes [string range $rating $pos $pos1]
      set rating [string range $rating 3 8]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG rating == $rating | votes == $votes" }
   ## get TOP 250
   if [regexp {<a href="/top_250_films">[^\n]+} $html top250] {
      regexp {#[^<]+} $top250 top250
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG top250 == $top250" }
   ## get MPAA
   if [regexp {<b class="ch"><a href="/mpaa">[^\n]+} $html mpaa] {
      regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $mpaa {} mpaa
      regsub {MPAA: } $mpaa {} mpaa
      set mpaa [htmlcodes $mpaa]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG mpaa == $mpaa" }
   ## get runtime
   if [regexp {<b class=\"ch\">Runtime:</b>([\n\s]+)([\w:]+)(\d+)} $html runtime] {
      regsub -all {[\n\s]+} $runtime {} runtime
      set pos [string last > $runtime] ; incr pos
      set runtime [string range $runtime $pos end]
      set pos [string last : $runtime]
      if {$pos != -1} {incr pos ; set runtime [string range $runtime $pos end]}
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG runtime == $runtime" }
   ## get country
   if [regexp {<a href=./Sections/Countries[^\n]+} $html country] {
      regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $country {} country
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG country == $country" }
   ## get language
   if [regexp {<a href=./Sections/Languages[^\n]+} $html language] {
      regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $language {} language
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG language == $language" }
   ## get soundmix
   if [regexp {<a href=./List.sound-mix=[^\n]+} $html soundmix] {
      regsub -all {<[^\>]*>} $soundmix {} soundmix
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG language == $language" }
   unset html
   if { $IMDB_ALTERNATIVE == 0 } {
      set page2 [::http::config -useragent "MSIE 6.0"]
      set page2 [::http::geturl ${newurl}business]
      set html [::http::data $page2]
      ::http::Finish $page2
   } else {
      catch { exec $binary(CURL) "${newurl}business" } html
   ## get budget
   if [regexp {<b>Budget</b></dt>[\s\n]?<dd><[^>]+>[^<]+} $html budget] {
      set pos [string last > $budget] ; incr pos
      set budget [string range $budget $pos end]
      set budget [string map {€ € £ £ } $budget]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG budget == $budget" }
   ## get screens
   if [regexp {<b>Opening Weekend</b></dt>[\s\n]?[^\n]+} $html opweek] {
      if [regexp {\(USA\) \([^)]+\) \([^)]+\)} $opweek screens] {
         set pos [string last ( $screens]
         set pos1 [string last ) $screens]
         incr pos ; incr pos1 -1
         set screens [string range $screens $pos $pos1]
   if {$IMDB_DEBUG == 1} { puthelp "NOTICE $nick :IMDB_DEBUG screens == $screens" }
   ## output results
   if { ! [string compare [lindex $announce(IMDBIRC) 0] "random"] && [string is alnum -strict [lindex $announce(IMDBIRC) 1]] == 1 } {
      set output $random(IMDBIRC\-[rand [lindex $announce(IMDBIRC) 1]])
   } else {
      set output $announce(IMDBIRC)
   set output [replacevar $output "%bold" "\002"]
   set output [replacevar $output "%color" "\003"]
   set output [replacevar $output "%uline" "\037"]
   set output [replacevar $output "%title" $title]
   set output [replacevar $output "%url" $newurl]
   set output [replacevar $output "%name" $name]
   set output [replacevar $output "%genre" $genre]
   set output [replacevar $output "%tagline" $tagline]
   set output [replacevar $output "%plot" $plot]
   set output [replacevar $output "%rating" $rating]
   set output [replacevar $output "%votes" $votes]
   set output [replacevar $output "%top250" $top250]
   set output [replacevar $output "%mpaa" $mpaa]
   set output [replacevar $output "%time" $runtime]
   set output [replacevar $output "%country" $country]
   set output [replacevar $output "%language" $language]
   set output [replacevar $output "%soundmix" $soundmix]
   set output [replacevar $output "%budget" $budget]
   set output [replacevar $output "%screens" $screens]
   foreach line [split $output "\n"] {
      puthelp "$toput :$line"

putlog "IMDB info version 2.3.4 loaded"

As I said it works just fine, but not giving the information how I would like it to be. I have searched all over for a script that was already modified and have had no luck. And unfortunantly, I am just learning mIRC scripting so this looks a bit different to me. Thanks for your help.
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De Kus
Revered One
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Post by De Kus »

I dont see the cause why it should post to public as it is. Maybe its easier to see if you use

Code: Select all

De Kus
StarZ|De_Kus, De_Kus or DeKus on IRC
Copyright © 2005-2009 by De Kus - published under The MIT License
Love hurts, love strengthens...
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:43 pm

Post by Hollowman »

[quote="De Kus"]I dont see the cause why it should post to public as it is. Maybe its easier to see if you use

Code: Select all


Sorry we are new to this it post in public room even though it says notice what we would like to do is be sent to private msg and there apeares no way off doing it

Thank-you for your help :?
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