Tcl error [report:kick]: wrong # args: should be "report:kick nick uhost chan hand targ"
So, I changed the code to:
bind kick - * report:kick
proc report:kick {nick uhost chan hand targ} {
if {[isbotnick $targ] && [botonchan #PE]} {
putquick "onotice #PE :I was kicked from $chan by $nick at [ctime [unixtime]]"
(Error still comes up if it's privmsg #PE)
Getting error:
Tcl error [report:kick]: wrong # args: should be "report:kick nick uhost chan hand targ"
Description: triggered when someone is kicked off the channel. The
mask is matched against '#channel target reason' where the target is
the nickname of the person who got kicked (can contain wildcards).
The proc is called with the nick, user@host, and handle of the
kicker, plus the channel, the nickname of the person who was
kicked, and the reason; flags are ignored.
Module: irc