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eggdrop queue

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by gregul »

could someone explain eggdrop queue mechanism? why bot can kick at max 4 users (even using putquick)? is there any delay after fourth kick?

Post by gregul »

hmm i wanted to say that there seems to be a delay after fouth kick, before fifth kick, am i right?
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Post by guppy »

On 2001-09-26 17:37, gregul wrote:
hmm i wanted to say that there seems to be a delay after fouth kick, before fifth kick, am i right?
How exactly are you doing these kicks? There are a number of queues to prevent people (including yourself) from flooding the bot off irc .. this can cause small delays.

Post by gregul »

foreach user chanlist $chan ...
bot kicks (putquick "KICK ... "} users who match [isop $user $chan] && ![matchattr [nick2hand $user] o|o $chan]

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Post by Petersen »

the mode queue (as used with putquick) sends commands to the server in burst of 4. (thats hard coded into the queing system)

Post by gregul »

is there any way to use no queue? or with which eggdrop version i can do it?
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Post by stdragon »

You might be able to use the command "putdccraw" like this:

set txt "PRIVMSG stdarg :I like goats toon"
putdccraw 0 [string length $txt] $txt

It's important to put the n on the end of your message! :smile:
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Post by ppslim »

dccputraw will serv your needs for bypassing the queue system.

Code: Select all

dccputraw <idx> <text-length> <text>
Where IDX is a valid partyline user, bot or other network based connection listed in ".dccstat". You can use 0 as the IDX for the irc server.

This command feeds it's data direct into the network output buffer, so is instant and subject only to the lag of the connection itself. So this requires that the string be newline terminated n, bothing in the string and as part fo the length of the string.

This command does pose a problem when creating scripts of distruction/protections scripts that are expected to work in a flash. The eggdrop queue system, anoying and slow as it is, is designed to prevent the bot from flooding itself off, putdccraw is not subject to these queue systems, and as such, leaves any command subject to flooding the bot off.

Post by gregul »

which eggdrop *.c file contains information about queues?