Sorrie for asking for more but is it possible to add any nick in exempt list so that they dont get voiced in channel, whatever number of lines they use. THanks once more
just to make it more specific
set num 10 ;# lines
set idle 5 ;# minutes
YOu here 10 lines and 5 min is idle time, and I can change it to whatever I want ?
The code is working perfectly all right, its just if you can add lil more in it where I can exempt few nicks from getting voiced. Thanks once more
Just to ask u, when v define x number of lines said in channel, would get voiced, so these x number of lines has some time limit ? like 10 lines in 15 min then voiced or somthing ? o/w if a user get voice for saying 100 lines in 3 days then :s sounds lil tricky. thanks again mate
All right Demond, that was a gr8 help too appreciated, I shall wait for u to feel relax then I might have that so I will be looking into mypost for the response. I feel if there is no time limit defined then the purpose of it may not give the right results. I would request if it can be set by user, would like more friendly, like anyone can define x many lines in x minutes then voiced.
Author -> "demond"
hahaha :p ok no buttering
Have a nice time all, will be looking after for the update thanks
daym mate, the script is voicing a person on one line itself when that person joins next, because it doesn't clear the variable (I think) and its voicing even to OPs can u please sort this out? thanks
no, I won't fix the script, so stop asking already
IMO, it's fair to remember the number of lines for a nick between joins - that is, for a reasonable amount of time - and if you want that purged after certain amount of time, implement it yourself - I don't develop scripts which serve no sane purpose - and this script is such a script - since voicing users on a channel that is not +m is a pure vanity (and lameness)
set idle 30 ;# minutes
bind time - * bar
proc bar {m h d mo y handle} {
foreach c [channels] {
foreach n [chanlist $c] {
if { ![matchattr $handle gf] && [isvoice $n $c] && [getchanidle $n $c] >= $::idle} {
pushmode $c -v $n