I changed it in my current script, but I am not going to release this non-change change until I actually changed something in the script.
Just as a note for my default nickserv mask. Nobody asked me till now, but maybe some are intrested how this
Code: Select all
{PRIVMSG NickServ@services.euirc.net}
thing works. Some may notice: that is like the Q auth from quakenet. Actually its the same. But dont confuse this @ with the @ you know from hostmarks.
Let's first check a whois reply (as an example):
* [NickServ] (
services@euirc.net): Nickname Server
* [NickServ]
services.euirc.net :Services for euIRCnet [lanlos.org]
* [NickServ] is an IRC Operator on euIRCnet
As you may notice the thing after @ here is diffrent from the thing used above after @. This is because you do not send to a hostmark, but to a nickname on a specific IRC Server. In that case the server which nickserv is conncted to (usually they connect via localhost, but also use a vhost as their host). Some servers like QuakeNet hide the true server which a user is connected to. It that case you either have to guess the server, ask for it in the help chan or just use "the usual way"
Why making the trouble of using it? You never know who might lead your bot with spoofed dns lookups to somewhere else and with a bit luck they only log nickserv and not the whole server traffic