I am trying to make the eggdrop save all it's user and chan info to a mysql database instead of using it's standard flat-file storage. the reason for this attempt is that i want to make user/chan info less shell dependant (i had some problems with some shell providers in the past and lost a lot of important information). Another thing i would like to acomplish is creating a web interface for eggdrop (this process would be a lot simpler if having direct access to a mysql db instead of a flat-file db).
I am not expecting complex scripts or immediate solutions... i just need a starting point (forgot to mention i searched google for days before posting here.. sorry if i missed something).
start studying eggdrop source code (knowing C programming is a prerequisite for that); what you want to accomplish cannot be done via scripting but only by modifying the bot itself
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>