Sorry I've been away for a long while and have been out of action for quite a while, just that I slowly lost interest in TCL scripting as a hobby.
Anyway I was developing a small script, to detect people who join a channel and say a word say exactly after they join, supposingly with in one or two seconds of their join.
Now mostly people use 'getchanjoin' to find the time and convert the unixtime. But the eggdrop takes time to update the usercount of the channel with getchanjoin it and will not give a precise value say in milliseconds, especially for channel who have large usercounts (200+ or so) since it has a bit of delay in updating.
Is there anyway I can integrate say bind join with some other bind to detect when a person has joined a channel and has said something within 1-2secs of their joining or is their a way to do this through getchanjoin say maybe, but in milliseonds.getchanjoin <nickname> <channel>
Returns: timestamp (unixtime format) of when the specified nickname joined the channel
Module: irc
I have been away for a long time, so I am not that well aquatined with TCL as good as I was before. All help is appreciated.