i dunno if it's possible, i searched alot on the web but i can't find anything to help me :S
I want a trigger ( !read_info ), after that the eggdrop dcc chat the user ( ANY USER ), read the content of the $file and send it to the DCC CHAT window and close the chat window.
It's possible to do that or not ? If yes .. how ?!? i juste need the DCC CHAT part
uhmmm ... ok i tryed this, when i type !read i get a dcc chat windows and the info is sent to the dcc chat windows ... in LOCAL, everything work fine, but if anyone else try it, the dcc chat failed .... PLZ ... help !!!
set file "info.txt"
set dccport "1027-2048"
#----- Listing -----
proc dcclist {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global dccport
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Envoie de la liste a $nick en cours ... "
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001DCC CHAT chat [myip] $dccport\001"
listen $dccport script dccsendinfo
proc deesendinfo {idx} {
information $idx
proc information {idx} {
global file
putdcc $idx "Information Index2 ;)"
set fs [open "$file" r]
while {![eof $fs]} {
gets $fs line
putdcc $idx "$line"
close $fs
return 1