Didn't know where else to post this. I'm looking for a simple mirc script that will 1) Trigger on the eggdrop bot's public msg to a channel 2) do a whois to verify that it's my bot 3) op the bot.
So, for example, the bot does:
need-op {putserv "PRIVMSG #mychan :\007op me or I shall go \002NI!\002"}
The script should do a whois and make sure the bot's netmask matches whatever.users.undernet.org
If it matches, op the bot so it'll shut up
I don't use mirc, I don't use windoze.. I need the script for other ops in chan who do use mirc.
I have a script for ircII script language, but that doesn't help me much with the mirc'ers.. I've looked quite a bit for a pre-made script to do this, I would've thought there would be some, since mirc is so popular. But it seems short of *guessing* at half of mirc's script language, since it's not even well documented online, they apparently think everyone has access to mirc's built-in helpfiles, I'm at a loss.
Any help appreciated.