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Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by Thanhas »

bind msgm - * responce:msgm
proc responce:msgm {nick uhost hand text} {
global botnick
set whom $nick
set mask *!*[lindex [join [split $uhost $nick] @] 1]
putserv "PRIVMSG $whom :main ap say nahi bolti ap to mare channel #alam main nahi han mara b channel join karain na type /j alam or double click on #alam"
newignore $mask $whom TempIgnore 60

Please see the code & please tell me do it ignore for 60 days, hours, months, minutes , secands , i need it ignore for only 60 secands & let me know how to see Ignore list in DCC of EGgdrop please
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Post by rosc2112 »

Try reading the documentation

newignore <hostmask> <creator> <comment> [lifetime]
Description: adds an entry to the ignore list; creator is given credit
for the ignore. lifetime is how many minutes until the ignore expires
and is removed. If lifetime is not specified, ignore-time (usually 60)
is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ignore. eggdrop command reference (core commands)
ignores [wildcard]

Lists the hostmasks that the bot is currently discarding msgs, etc from. The ignores are numbered, so they can be easily removed with .-ignore by number.
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Post by Thanhas »

Can u make it 60 Secands ? i mean The ignore time & watch all this TCL it give errer of primenick 2

set primenick "Sonia^"; #Edit this
set nickpass "*******"; #Edit this
set nickservice ""; #Dont Edit
set servicesname "NickServ"; #Dont edit

bind evnt - init-server auto:id
bind notc - "*nick is owned by someone else*" autoid:notc
bind evnt - init-server addwatch

proc auto:id {type} {
global botnick nickservice nickpass primenick
putserv "PRIVMSG $nickservice :identify $primenick $nickpass"

proc autoid:notc {nick uhost hand text dest} {
global botnick nickpass primenick nickservice
if {($nickservice == "") || ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $nickservice]] [string tolower $nick]] != -1)} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nickservice :identify $primenick $nickpass"
unbind notc - "*nick is owned by someone else*" autoid:notc

proc addwatch { type } {
if {![isbotnick $primenick]} {putquick "privmsg $nickservice :GHOST $primenick $nickpass" -next}
putserv "watch +$servicesname"

bind pub m .join join:pub
proc join:pub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
set text [lindex $text 0]
set temp [eval channel add $text]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :I have added $text to my channel list!"

bind pub m .part part:pub
proc part:pub {nick uhost hand chan text} {
global botnick
set text [lindex $text 0]
set temp [eval channel remove $text]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :I have deleted $text from my channel list!"

set exemptglobflags "m n o b f"
set exemptchanflags "m n o f"

bind msg - "*" msg:responce
proc msg:responce {nick uhost hand text} {
global botnick
set whom $nick
set mask *!*@[lindex [split [$uhost $whom] @] 1]
foreach globflag $exemptglobflags { if {[matchattr $hand $globflag]} { return 1 } }
foreach chanflag $exemptchanflags { if {[matchattr $hand |$chanflag $chan]} { return 1 } }
putserv "PRIVMSG $whom :main ap say nahi bolti ap to mare channel #alam main nahi han mara b channel join karain na type /j alam or double click on #alam"
newignore $mask $whom TempIgnore 60

bind msgm - * responce:msgm
proc responce:msgm {nick uhost hand text} {
global botnick
set whom $nick
set mask *!*[lindex [join [split $uhost $nick] @] 1]
putserv "PRIVMSG $whom :main ap say nahi bolti ap to mare channel #alam main nahi han mara b channel join karain na type /j alam or double click on #alam"
newignore $mask $whom TempIgnore 60
putlog "Random Stuff - Loaded"
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Post by rosc2112 »

60 seconds equals 1 minute.
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Post by Thanhas »

yes 60Secands equl to 1 minute
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