mirc client? I've been using sir_fz's ping script, and have tried others that
use the same basic binds, and I've even looked at the traffic through
ethereal and my irc client. I don't see a reason why the ping script does
not obtain a reply from (some) mirc clients. My irc client (bitchx) can ping
these people and gets a reply, but the ping script does not?
This is basically sir_fz's script with some minor modifications I made:
(The script works, except for these few mirc clients)
Code: Select all
bind pub - .ping pub:ping
bind ctcr - PING ctcr:ping
proc pub:ping {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global pingreq pingp pingchans
if {[lsearch -exact $pingchans $chan] == -1} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :ping disabled on $chan"
set arg [string trim $arg]
if {![info exists pingp($chan)]} {
set pingp($chan) 0
utimer 2 [list incr pingp($chan) -1]
if {[incr pingp($chan)] < 3} {
if {[set targ [lindex [split $arg] 0]] == ""} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Use: .ping <nick> or .ping me"
if {([string equal -nocase "me" $targ] == 1)} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001PING [clock clicks -milliseconds]\001"
set pingreq($nick) "$chan"
if {[onchan $targ $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $targ :\001PING [clock clicks -milliseconds]\001"
set pingreq($targ) "$chan"
} else {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$targ is not in $chan."
proc ctcr:ping {nick uhost hand dest keyword arg} {
global pingreq
if {![info exists pingreq([set nnick $nick])]} {return}
if {[string is integer [set reply [lindex [split $arg] 0]]]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $pingreq($nnick) :\[\002$nick\002 PING reply\]: [expr {abs([clock clicks -milliseconds] - $reply) / 1000.0}] seconds."
unset pingreq($nnick)
Code: Select all
Non-working response (doesnt work with script, but works with irc client)
[binary packet junk deleted]:user!~username@User1.users.undernet.org NOTICE rosc :PING 1157607381 537606
Working response from different mirc user:
[binary junk]:user2!~Foo@user2.users.undernet.org NOTICE rosc :PING 1157610199 651325
Anyone have a clue for me? =)