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problem with PubModes.tcl by seatouch

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problem with PubModes.tcl by seatouch

Post by TRaSH »

i want to use PubModes.tcl by seatouch,
but his script has some errors and he doesn't seems to give any support on it.
i fixed some options myself but i can't get the ban function to work.
i'll will only post the part that has todo with the banning part.

Code: Select all

set hopondeop 1
set kickondeop 1
set trigger {.}
set kickfile "kicks" 
################################ C O N F I G U R A T I O N #################################
bind PUB  n|o   ${trigger}b           modes:qban
bind PUB  n|o   ${trigger}ban         modes:qban
bind PUB  n|o   ${trigger}ub          modes:uban
bind PUB  n|o   ${trigger}unban       modes:uban
bind PUB  n|o   ${trigger}unbanall    modes:unbanall 

proc modes:qban {nickname hostname handle channel arguments} {
 global lastbind bantime reason bchan botname botnick kickfile bnick
  if {[botisop $channel]} {
    regexp -- {(\S+/)?} $kickfile tmp kickdir
    if {$kickdir != ""} {
      if {![file isdirectory $kickdir]} {
        file mkdir $kickdir
    if {![file exists "$kickfile"]} {
      set file [open "$kickfile" w]
      puts $file 0
      close $file
    set file [open "$kickfile" r]
    gets $file count
    close $file
    set victim [lindex [modes:clean $arguments] 0]
    if {$victim == ""} {
      puthelp "NOTICE $nickname :${lastbind}: Not enough parameters."
    set bantime [lindex [modes:clean $arguments] 1]
    if {[regexp -- {^\d{1,4}$} $bantime]} {
      if {$bantime > 1440} {set bantme 0}
      set reason [lrange [modes:clean $arguments] 2 end]
    } else {
      set reason [lrange [modes:clean $arguments] 1 end]
      set bantime 0
    if {$reason == ""} {

set msges {
"Her lips suck forth / see where it flies"
"It's been nice knowing you.. well actually, it hasn't"
"Support Dan Quayle for President!"
"This random kick message was censored by popular request"
"I recommend you see a therapist"
"And quoth the raven, Nevermore"
"POP goes the weasel..."
"Look, no more lamer ^^"
"There's the exit, learn it well"
"This relationship just isn't going to work out"
"The op is always right"
"You are frightening our customers, we must ask you to leave"
"Random Kick Message #13"
"Out, damn spot, out I say"
"Excessive lameness detected"
"Shhh... Be vewy vewy qwiet... I'm hunting lamers..."
"My foot itches... ahh... much better..."
"Silly customer, you cannot harm the Twinkie!"
"Would you like fries with that?"
"P.S. This doesn't mean we can't be friends"
"I'm only doing this because I care"
"If you have to ask, you'll never know"
"This kick was sponsored in part by Microsoft Combat Boots"
"It must be a monday... -sigh-"
      set reason [lindex $msges [rand [llength $msges]]]
    set bchan $channel ; set bnick $nickname
    if {[string index $victim 0] == "#"} {
      regsub -all -- "#" $victim "" victim
      if {[string length $victim] == 1} {
        puthelp "NOTICE $nickname :You can not ban a service bot. ([string toupper $victim])"
        unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
      putquick "MODE $channel +b *!*@$"
      if {$bantime != 0} {utimer [expr $bantime * 60] [list putquick "MODE $channel -b *!*@$"]}
      unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
    } elseif {![onchan $victim $channel]} {
      regsub -all {\*+} $victim {*} victim
      array set ban {
#        ident *
        host *
      if {[regexp {([^a-zA-Z0-9_\*\?\!\.\@\|`\^\-\[\]\{\}\\]|^(!@|!|@)$)} $victim]} {
        putquick "NOTICE $nickname :Sorry, couldn't add that hostmask."
        unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
      set ban(nick) $victim
      if {[regexp -- {!} $victim]} {
        regexp -- {^(.*?)!(.*?)(@(.*))?$} $victim tmp ban(nick) ban(ident) tmp ban(host)
      } elseif {[regexp -- {@} $victim]} {
        regexp -- {^(.+!)?(.*?)(@(.*))?$} $victim tmp ban(nick) ban(ident) tmp ban(host)
      foreach item [array names ban] {
        if {[string length $ban($item)] < 1} {
          set ban($item) *
      set victim $ban(nick)!$ban(ident)@$ban(host)
      if {([regexp -all -- {!|@} $victim] > 2)} {
        puthelp "NOTICE $nickname :Sorry, couldn't add that hostmask."
        unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
      if {[string match -nocase [modes:clean $victim] $botnick!$botname]} {
        incr count
        putquick "KICK $channel $nickname :Do not try to ban me ($count)"
        set file [open "$kickfile" w]
        puts $file $count
        close $file
        unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
      } elseif {[string match -nocase [modes:clean $victim] $nickname!$hostname]} {
        putquick "NOTICE $nickname :You can not ban yourself."
        unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
      putquick "MODE $channel +b $victim"
      if {$bantime != 0} {utimer [expr $bantime * 60] [list putquick "MODE $channel -b $victim"]}
      foreach target [chanlist $channel] {
        if {[string match -nocase [modes:clean $victim] $target![getchanhost $target $channel]]} {
          incr count
          putquick "KICK $channel $target :[join $reason { }] ($count)"
      set file [open "$kickfile" w]
      puts $file $count
      close $file
      unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
    if {[string equal -nocase $nickname $victim]} {
      puthelp "NOTICE $nickname :You can not ban yourself."
      unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
    if {[isbotnick $victim]} {
      incr count
      putquick "KICK $channel $nickname :Do not try to ban me ($count)"
      set file [open "$kickfile" w]
      puts $file $count
      close $file
      unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
    if {[string length $victim] == 1} {
      puthelp "NOTICE $nickname :You can not ban a service bot. ([string toupper $victim])"
      unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick
    bind raw - "354" qban:get
    putquick "WHO $victim n%na"

proc qban:get {from keyword text} {
 global bchan reason bantime bnick kickfile
  set file [open "$kickfile" r]
  gets $file count
  close $file
  incr count
  set victim "[lindex [modes:clean $text] 1]"
  set authnick "[lindex [modes:clean $text] 2]"
  if {$authnick == 0} {
    set host [maskhost $victim![getchanhost $victim $bchan]]
  } else {
    set host *!*@$
  putquick "MODE $bchan -o+b $victim $host"
  putquick "KICK $bchan $victim :[join $reason { }] ($count)"
  if {$bantime != 0} {utimer [expr $bantime * 60] [list putquick "MODE $bchan -b $host"]}
  unbind raw - "354" qban:get
  set file [open "$kickfile" w]
  puts $file $count
  close $file
  unset bchan ; unset reason ; unset bantime ; unset bnick

proc modes:unbanall {nick host hand chan arg} {
  if {[botisop $chan]} {
    set banlist ""
    foreach ban [chanbans $chan] {
      lappend banlist [lindex $ban 0]
    set cnt 0
    while {$cnt < [llength $banlist]} {
      putquick "MODE $chan -bbbbbb [lindex $banlist $cnt] [lindex $banlist [expr $cnt + 1]] [lindex $banlist [expr $cnt + 2]] [lindex $banlist [expr $cnt + 3]] [lindex $banlist [expr $cnt + 4]] [lindex $banlist [expr $cnt + 5]]"
      incr cnt 6
the error i get when i type .ban nick
[Sir^Killalot] [17:17] Tcl error [modes:qban]: can't set "bnick": variable is array
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Oct 01, 2006 6:55 pm

Re: problem with PubModes.tcl by seatouch

Post by seatouch »

really sorry for the slow updateds .. i dont check the forums thats why and my previous emails been shutdown .. so you can contact me with seatouch[@]

TRaSH wrote:i want to use PubModes.tcl by seatouch,
but his script has some errors and he doesn't seems to give any support on it.
i fixed some options myself but i can't get the ban function to work.
i'll will only post the part that has todo with the banning part.
Posts: 771
Joined: Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:46 am

Post by metroid »

This is a rip of a different script, abit of shame people still like to steal scripts and put their own names on it.

Really, leave these forums and don't come back.
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