Im running eggy1.6.18, Ive loaded all the modules and Scripts that came with the egg. When I dcc chat with the bot, I cannot get the bot to understand .set commands. If i was to do .set nick newnickname my bot will say What? you need help. EVerything works like .chanset n all, but i cannot use .set commands. Please Help !!
There is no such thing as stupid eggdrop, just poorly/badly configured one. Anyway, back to your initial problem. To enable '.set' commands from 'party line' (dcc chat or telnet with the bot) you must be set as permanent owner in configuration file ('set owner' line), have owner flag (that's 'n' flag) and binded the '.set' command from your configuration file (just put a # in front of the 'unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl' if you want '.tcl' command to be active and 'unbind dcc n set *dcc:set' if you want the '.set' command to be active) then restart the eggdrop. Also check the 'must-be-owner' setting in the configuration file and I advise you to set it to 1 and don't give permanent owner access to people you don't personally know. If you still got problems just reply here.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.