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X ban/unban Script.

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
Posts: 55
Joined: Sat Feb 11, 2006 5:44 am

Post by silverboy »

If you are this sure that more than 45bans cannot be Set?.. go and check #Chatzone channel banlist, you can see more than 150 bans already set there. OK cheers!

|amdeath are you really a trainee in Cservice lol??....

if bot bans 45bans and chan banlist gets full, X can enforce the chan banlist as X bans are also made in channel banlist, means X can hold further 300 bans. But if all bans are made via X and they are on the chan banlist you cannot add 45 normal bans. got me :D x can only enforce the chan banlist... so suppose when a x ban get expired from x and remain on the chan banlist after a net split the server adds up the ban again. so therefore it is possible to add more than 400+ bans to chan banlist as well... got the point?

all ye gara do is never remove the bans from the chan banlist... once my frnds chan netmeeting had more than 1k bans :P but smeone reported to an oper and got it all removed
proxyz..proxyz...i see everywher... O_o
Posts: 14
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:37 pm


Post by Azeem »

X Over rides the MAXBAN limit.. for sure :)

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