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Permanent Bans

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Permanent Bans

Post by LoB »

Hi out there..

I installed Eggdrop at We want to use the word-filter but Eggdrop deletes those bans after 120 minutes.

I added the ban with /mode +b ~T:block:*oneword*

I can't use stick to keep this ban, because it's not eggdrop's ban ;-)

How can I set this ban with Eggdrop? When I'm trying this, Eggdrop understands my Bad-Try as part of a hostmask..

Any Ideas?
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Post by nml375 »

You could always set the channel -dynamicbans to prevent your eggdrop from removing any bans.
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Post by Zircon »

I guess the ban-time is set to 120 min, If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove the bans.

Code: Select all

.chanset #channel ban-time 0
Hello nml375
Does +/-dynamicbans apply also to the bans not made through the bot ?
Last edited by Zircon on Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by nml375 »

dynamicbans would affect any ban added to the channel, regardless of source.
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Post by Zircon »

Yup bans put through the bot with .+ban
Bans not made through the bot like /mode #channel +b *!*@whatever
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Post by LoB »


Well, Ban-Time ist on 120 Minutes. But it's important, that some Bans are deleted after that time (except stick'ed).
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Post by novaxxx »

hi,dunno if i´m right but you can test it ;)

# Set this setting to 1 if you want your bot to expire bans/exempts/invites set
# by other opped bots on the channel.
set force-expire 0

# The following settings are used as default values when you .+chan #chan or .tcl
# channel add #chan. Look in the section below for explanation of every option.

set global-flood-chan 30:3
set global-flood-deop 3:10
set global-flood-kick 3:10
set global-flood-join 5:60
set global-flood-ctcp 3:60
set global-flood-nick 30:3
set global-aop-delay 5:30
set global-idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode "nt"
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 0
set global-ban-time 0 for all #chan´s you make

# Add each static channel you want your bot to sit in using the following
# command. There are many different possible settings you can insert into
# this command, which are explained below.

channel add #lamest {
chanmode "+nt-likm"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
revenge-mode 0
ban-time 0

.chanset #channel ban-time 0
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Post by nml375 »

If you do like your bot to clear old bans, you'll need to have the channel +dynamicbans, and add any "permanent" bans to your bot's banlist and stick 'em.

To stick the actual ban you posted, use something like this:

Code: Select all

.+ban ~T:block:*oneword* #yourchannel
.stick ban ~T:block:*oneword* #yourchannel
I'm not familiar to these kind of bans, but I guess if someone says oneword, they'll get kick'd & banned by server? If so, such bans will be removed by your bot after 120mins unless you add them to your eggdrops internal banlist and stick 'em.

Seems I forgot eggdrop for some odd reason expects any banmask to contain ! and @. Your best option at this point would be to write some script to manually re-add the ban when your eggie removes it, or possibly try to hide that ban from your bot completely (using raw bindings).
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Post by Zircon »

U have to be careful if you want to keep all the bans active, coz if the channel banlist is limited, once it reach that limit, you cannot add new bans. I d suggest to you keep +dynamicbans, and keep ban-time different to 0, my ban-time is 1440, means 1 day. For your banned word, i recommend to you to use a bad words protection script. So you wont have to add manually all the banned words with .+ban .
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Post by LoB »


Those bans will not kick or ban any user. If one of those Bans are set, it's not possible anymore to send one of those words to the channel. The User geht's informed but nothing else will happen.

When I'm trying to use ".+ban ~T:blabla" following will happen:

<Bot> New ban: ~T:block:*oneword*!*@* (requested)

As you can see, Eggdrop understands it as part of a hostmask and the ban will not work. Due I set the ban "by hand" I can't stick that ban within Eggdrop.

Also it's not acceptable to reban some words again, because anyone in channel can see what words are banned.
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Post by nml375 »

Then, your only remaining option is to hide those bans from your eggdrop, using scripts with raw bindings.
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