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Say a random text on 2 or more channels at once

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Say a random text on 2 or more channels at once

Post by Riddler »

Hello guys, I've made a code that will randomly send a text to a channel, but only if that channel has set +speak flag

Here is the code :

Code: Select all

# say.tcl

### CONFIG ###

set speak(time) "2"

set speak(type) "PRIVMSG"

set speak(msgs) {

### CODE ###

setudef flag speak

if {![string match "*speaks*" [timers]]} {
  timer $speak(time) s:speaks

proc s:speaks { } {
 global speak
 if {![channel get $chan speak]} { return 0 }
  set rmsg [lindex $speak(msgs) [rand [llength $speak(msgs)]]]
    putserv "$speak(type) $chan :$rmsg"
  return 1
  timer $speak(time) s:speaks
  return 0

putlog "Loaded: say.tcl"
The problem is that the bot dosen't give me eny error and the messages ar not sent to the channels that I've set the +speak flag..

What's the problem ?!

I am a man of few words, but many riddles
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Post by rosc2112 »

timer $speak(time) s:speaks

You don't tell your proc what channel to check.
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