Non-matching handle lengths with botnick, they use 32 characters.
ok.. never ran into this before. tried searching for the error here with no luck. i've linked over 100 bots and have no clue what is causing this..
can anyone shed some light on this?
The nick leght and handle lenght are defined in eggdrop<version>/src/eggdrop.h the default is 9. It pretty much means if all else fails, recomplie the offending bot (lowest* handle lenght) and try again. But good luck, althou i dont use that script, i've not heard anything bad about it so it should work.
Line 63 of eggdrop.h which can be found in eggdrop.1.6.*/src
#define HANDLEN 9 /* valid values 9->NICKMAX */
on eggdrop change this line to
#define HANDLEN 32 /* valid values 9->NICKMAX */
Recompile eggdrop, I have tested this and it works fine
Yep dose from what i remenber. never been to confidant with using botnets, all the linking and stuff tends to be a bit complicated. The most i could do was bot1 -> bot2 -> bot3(hub) lol thats pretty much it. The sharing of channels was a nitemare, at times i'd blame the +g flag not working. human error i guess. Anyway, just for a referance i thought i'd give mention this. as its on setting up a botnet and stuff.