I need a script that will privmsg Q (immediately) on part from a channel (if the nick is not opped\voiced) with 'chanlev #chan $nick +b', notice that nick with 'haha you are number (third word from the topic +1) who parted' and change the topic to to +1 on the 3rd word of the topic - 'this is 3' will be 'this is 4'
I need this script to work only on one of my shroudBNC users. (i'm using shroudbnc, not eggdrop or w\e).
and if you can, help me install it
This is an eggdrop help forum. We do not deal with anything other than eggdrop here. For shroudBNC help, visit the shroudBNC forum. They are more familiar with sBNC, and will be able to help you much better than we could.
I agree with metroid.. this will only use up needed Q resources and what will it give to users in the end, a stupid little 'haha', its lame and im sure no decent tcl coder will even go that low to make it in my opinion.