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Help DCC chat

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:50 pm

Help DCC chat

Post by w00f »

hey guys , i need some help with one script. hope someone can help me.

I have one command that reads an entire file and shows it in pm.
The problem is when the file contains like 30 lines, takes some time to show all info. so i though about using dcc chat to display all the info.
The problem is i don't know exactly how to do that.

Code: Select all

 !view news 
Then the bot will dcc chat $nick and once the chat is estabelished the bot will queue the info and displays in chat, after that the chat is closed.
if no dcc chat estabelished with $nick like 1 minute after '!view news' triggered, the dcc chat invites expires.


1º- dcc chat $nick.
2º- get idx info for $nick
3º- display the info to $idx
4º- close the chat.

the problem is the first part, i dcc chat $nick then how can i handle and check/expect/listen dcc chat connection?

any help would be appreciated :)
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