My purpose is to have bots on different channels on different networks and send its info to each other, joins,chan msgs, so on. The best one I could find, best meaning easiest for me to understand, Was Clink. It took a while to set it up tho anyway. Seems now Im not getting any errors or anything, but it seems to not be doing anything either. Not getting ANYthing from one chan to the other. If anyone is familliar with this script any help would be appreciated
Or if anyone can recomend a similar script, please do so. The others i got so far, mostly code to change, or real hard to understand. A bit over my head either way.
This is one of the best Network sharing TCL I have ever seen. Nothing can be better than this one. I find it very easy and useful. However, this script might be modified a little bit on my needs or I might have fixed any little bug I don't remember but I still use it for someone and he has 3 channels 3 bots 3 different networks shared using this TCL. If you feel any trouble while using it, let me know I will guide you from scratch.