Hi all, and especially you *script gods*
I would be greatful if someone could develop us a script to do the following, I have seen variations i.e dates.tcl, but it just isnt what we are looking for:
* For OPs to have the ability to add dates / events via public command, and ANYONE recall them publicly to the channel.
* On the given dates, the topic is changed automatically to display the relevant information, then possibly changed back to the old topic the day after.
* Once a date passes it is deleted from the database, and moves down a slot in the table.
I.E. a public command could be !nextgame, this would display the date and other info publicly to the channel, then on the date the topic is automatically changed to reflect this info, then changed back after the date has passed. Once the date has passed it is deleted from the database, and the next closest date would be displayed with the !nextgame public command.
This is inspired by gaming clans who could input and retreive upcoming games and additional information easily, then the topic would change on that given day to highlight it even more.
I appreciate this is not simple (well not for me, I have tried looking through the dates.tcl code and couldnt make head nor tail), but I beleive it would be a VERY popular script for gaming clans on IRC.
If anyone knows of anything similar, or any other type of clan related scripts, I would be greatful.
If any *scripting gurus* could generate this script for us, I would be VERY VERY greatful indeed, as would the majority of the gaming community.