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Adding ","

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Adding ","

Post by iamdeath »

This might be out of the subject as here we deal with TCL issue but then I could not find help anywhere.

Code: Select all

$adresi = array ("","","","","","");
$n = 0;
if ( $ip == $adresi[$x])
{ $n = 1 ;}
if ($n == 1) 
{ echo "";}
else { header('Location:');}

As you see there are certain ip classes added in that file, What I need to do is add 2 or more classes such as: " til 250" and til 250. Adding manually will be hell alot of time, do you think is there any other solution forit?.. do you think a TCL could do that for me?.. which will add ips alongwith "","" and so on.. I am attaching the original file here as well.


Your kind suggestions will be highly appreciated

Forgive me for going out of topic.
|AmDeAtH @ Undernet
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Post by incith »

Um, you could just mimic your for loop:

Code: Select all

for ($range = 1; $range < 251; $range++) {
  array/blah/foo/etc = "88.55.22.${range}"
Or maybe something like this, using range and foreach:

Code: Select all

foreach (range(1,250) as $number) {
  echo "80.77.159." . $number . "\n";
Edit: Looking at that further I don't see why you don't just regexp against the IP address you are matching against.

if {[regexp {88\.55\.22\.[1-250]} $ip]} { } so on and so forth. No need to check if it's in an enormous array. I guess in perl/php that'd be something like.. if ($ip =~ /88\.55\.22\.[1-250]/) or so. FYI if it's relevant, 255 is the endpoint, not 250.
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