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psybnc support for multiple irc server connections/sessions

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psybnc support for multiple irc server connections/sessions

Post by donking »

I want to be able have psybnc connect to dalnet efnet and freenode and chat on the channels at the same time. Can someone tell how I can do this?

What do I have to put in psybnc.conf file?
How do I issue command from the irc client to join channels on different servers, connect to different servers?

This is taken from psybnc help file, but I don't understand how to set it up.
Support Multiple IRC Networks #define NETWORK

This allows users to connect to >1 network with the same client. Hence, in one mirc session, the user could be on efnet, dalnet and ircnet. I love this feature and recommend you leave it enabled (even if you don't plan to use it now).
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Post by YooHoo »

Taken from a PsyBnc tutorial by jestrix:
Multiple Networks

One of my other favorite things about psyBNC :) Do you have a bunch of channels you hang in on efnet, but also one or two channels on dalnet that you like to go to? If you're like me, you do...but you alo hate having multiple mirc sessions open. Fret no more! psyBNC can solve your problems by allowing you to connect to more than one network with the same mirc client. For this section I'll assume that you're familiar with most of the commands in psy. If not, get familiar with them before you try to do this. Ok, let's get into the commands.

The first thing you need to do is add in another network:
/addnetwork [name] --- adds in a network with the name you specify. Keep in mind that network names are case-sensitive. Furthermore, you'll be typing the name a lot, so if you're adding in dalnet, use the name "dal" or "dn" or something similar.

Once you have the network added, you need to choose your vhost for that network. If you don't choose one, it'll default to the IP the bnc is on, usually something gay like "". So:
/vhost [network]~[vhost] --- sets your vhost on the network you specify.

See this command? This is the format for ALL commands used on multiple networks. Simply prefix the syntax of the command with [network]. So, to give some other examples:

/addserver --- adds in the server with port 6667 to the "dn" network.
/join dn~#fxp --- joins #fxp on network dn. (btw, I hear that some freaky ppl hang in this particular channel ;)
/msg dn~joeschmoe beeyatch --- sends the message "beeyatch" to user with the nick joeschmoe on network dn.

Now, some weird things about multiple networks:
1. Your nick in the nicklists for channels on other networks will show the nick you're using on your primary network. So, even if you do: /nick dn~TwatMuffin, even though other ppl will now see you as TwatMuffin in their list, you'll see yourself as jestrix, or whatever nick you use.

2. If you get opped/voiced in a channel, you won't see it in the nicklist. You'll just appear to be a regular schmoe.

3. Let's say JoeSmith is in #chat on efnet, your primary network. You head over to dalnet, and he's there in #fxp. Everyone else in #fxp will look like dn~BobJones, but JoeSmith will be just JoeSmith. If you try to msg him by dbl-clicking on his nick int he dalnet channel, you'll really be sending a msg to him on efnet. You have to use dn~JoeSmith to talk with him on dalnet.

Some final things. Maybe you don't always want to be on more than one network. I prefer to always be on efnet, and then head to my other networks when I want to talk with ppl there. So:
/bconnect [network]~ --- connects you to the network you specify (assuming you have servers added for that network)
/bquit [network]~ --- quits you from that network. You'll still be connected to your primary network. Note, if you do /bquit, you'll be quitted from ALL your networks
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Post by c0re »

i always failed at it :|
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Post by Mewbie »

It could fail if you have latest psybnc and you use the character ~
In the tut replace ~ with ' then it will work.

So this:

Should be this:

/addserver a'
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