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Help with regexp

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Help with regexp

Post by w00f »

hey guys , i have a little problem in regex while grabin some info from other bot.

(@bot) NEW SLAP: Someone pimp slaps nick with a brain

here a little part of the code

Code: Select all

set arg [stripcodes bcru $arg]
regexp -- {^(NEW SLAP: (.*?) pimp slaps (.*?) with (.*?))$} $arg -> by who with
that works if there are no colors/underline/bold in 'bot' message, although having stripcodes to rip off all of that.

can anyone gimme a light ? ;)
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Post by rosc2112 »

Code: Select all

regexp -- {NEW SLAP: (.*?) pimp slaps (.*?) with (.*?)} $arg -> by who with
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