I need a simple script that send me a message with one or more line to some channels.
Can someone help me?
Code: Select all
# SendMsg 1.1 - Send Messages to channels specified every X minutes #
# #
# Created by WPnL (modified for egghelp forums request by speechles) #
# Report bugs to wpnl@lycos.co.uk #
# This script is freeware. #
# Feel free to edit it. #
# If you use this for spamming purposes, you are commiting a violation
# of the terms of use of this script. You are also an asshole and #
# should be prohibited from ever owning a pc, or meeting with someone#
# who has access to one. You are basically beneath pond scum if you #
# are using this script to spam with - speechles #
# --> Channels
# list of channels you want this message displayed in
# can be 1,2,3 or 50,000 channels (seperate each by a space)
set ad-channels "#somechannel #etc"
# --> Minutes
# How often do you want the msg to be displayed (in minutes)
set ad-minutes 10
# --> Messages
# Set your msgs here
# \002 bold
# \003 colour (ex: \0030,12 textcolor=0 white; backgroundcolor=12 blue)
# \022 reverse
# \037 underline
# Write several lines for several msgs
# %channel% can be used to represent channels
# the script will convert it to represent each channel correctly.
set ad-msgs {
"\002These are the rules for %channel%."
"\037No spamming, no shoes, no shirts, no service."
# --> Flood Control
# At what point should we decide when to change to
# the slower method of puthelp queueing?
# The number used is the amount of lines to display
# using putserv, after which the rest will be puthelp.
# ( if you want things to display faster, raise this.
# if you find the bot getting excess flooded, lower it. )
set ad-flood 5
# --> Congratulations your config is finished
if {![info exists ad-timer]} {
timer $::ad-minutes sendtext
set ad-timer 1
proc sendtext { } {
set count -1
foreach channel [split $::ad-channels] {
foreach msg [split $::ad-msgs] {
regsub -nocase -all -- {%channel%} $msg $channel msg
set count [expr $count + 1]
if {$count < $::ad-flood} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :$msg"
} else {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :$msg"
timer $::ad-minutes sendtext
return 1
putlog "SendMsg 1.1 by WPnL (modded for egghelp) Loaded"